Scary Auntie Nat

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3rd person pov
The sound of helicopters and reporters yelling could be heard even inside the compound."Tash you stay here" Tony snapped. "What no! I'm coming with-" "Mr. Rogers?" Fury gestured and the super soldier grabbed Tash holding her back. She struggled against his grip as Fury and Tony ran out of the room. Peter stayed not really sure of where or what he was supposed to do. "Are we gonna make a habit of this?" Tash seethed, Steve didn't answer her instead carrying her towards the door. "Come on kid let's go watch a movie" he told Peter, then exited the room with Peter traipsing after him .

They walked down to the living area where Nat was already watching something and eating popcorn. "Watcha watching?" Steve asked his voice lacking enthusiasm. "Criminal minds" she replied distractedly, she turned to and saw Tash still struggling to break free of Steve's grip. "Natty tell him to let me go pleeeeaaaasssseee" she begged making a puppy dog face and pouting. "That depends why are you being held captive this time? "Because Steve's a jerk and peters his accomplice!" Tash exclaimed. "Hey! When did I get involved in this?" Peter questioned sitting down next to Nat. "When you brought me back to Tony onesie boy" she jeered sticking her tongue out at him.

Steve rolled his eyes sitting on the opposite side of Nat and placing Tash in between them. "Sit here and don't you dare try to leave" he commanded her. "See Natty" Tash pouted, Nat looked at Steve for an explanation "The press saw Tash and are outside, Tony and Fury don't want her anywhere she can be seen" "ah that explains the helicopter noises". "Why don't you just sit and watch this with us for now hm детка?" Nat asked putting her arm around Tash. "I guess" Tash groaned sitting back on the couch but then getting up and trying to make a run for it. Nat grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back onto the couch not once looking away from the TV.

Still holding Tash's shirt she leaned towards her ear so nobody else could hear what she was about to say. "You're going to stay her and watch the show with us or I'm going to knock you out and you will take a nice little nap in your room with the door locked until Tony and Fury get back. If that's the option you choose I can guarantee you'll miss more then you think. Nod if you understand." Tash nodded slowly fear in her eyes "good" Natasha said out loud settling back into the couch and placing a blanket over all of them.

About an hour in Tash was beginning to weigh her chances of being able to get away without Natasha keeping her promise. She was scared of  what Nat had said but she couldn't stand not knowing what was going on. She had to just get a little look at what was going on and more importantly what the hell Tony was telling everyone about her. A plan formed in her mind. She accidentally on purpose dropped the remote out of everyone's reach "oops" she said getting up to go get it. She crouched down to grab it and snuck a glance at Nat who was still fully engrossed in her show.

She picked up the remote and was about to make a run for it before Nat lunged at her. "Steve catch" she announced spinning Tash around and pinching a nerve in her neck, Tash's body went limp almost instantly. She then gently tossed her over to Steve. Both of the guys stared at her in shock, but the super spy just shrugged and went to sit back down on the couch "I warned her" she placed another piece of popcorn in her mouth "you should go put her in her room some sleep will do her good". Steve obeyed picking the girl up bridal style and carrying her towards her room, Peter glanced at Nat a few times who motioned for him to follow with her eyes, he then followed. "Oh and make sure to lock her door!" Nat yelled after them.

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