We've got a problem

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3rd person POV
Tony sat on the couch on the couch in the living room trying to watch the news despite Peter's pestering. They were both silenced when a particular story came up. "The Spider-Man was seen swinging through the streets of New York today with a young girl in toe. He then later dropped her and witnesses say she was caught by a man who was identified as Steve Rogers. Wether or not he meant to drop the girl is still unknown." The reporter spoke. Tony turned to Peter angrily, the boy smiled nervously and ran out of the room. Tony bolted after him.

————————back in the interrogation room

"So you took the vile from Banners lab and broke it on yourself?" "Yes". "Ok that about wraps it up Ms. Stark" "don't call me that" Tash growled, Steve put a hand on her shoulder. "Lastly we just need to go over the charges against you and how to proceed" Fury explained tapping a stack of papers on the desk to even out "what do you mean charges?!" Tash yelled jumping out of her chair and slamming her hands down on the table, causing the papers to fly everywhere. Fury raised an eyebrow at her annoyed "you stole shield property, ran from the law enforcement-" "since when do the avengers count as law enforcement! Don't you think that's a bit under their pay grade?!" Tash interjected.

"I'm just telling you the facts Ms. Stark" "I SAID don't call me that!" Tash screeched. "Rogers!?" Fury demanded trying to get Steve to do something about Tash's outbursts "Fury" Steve snapped back narrowing his eyes. "Ok Ms. ........Tash" a slight smile appeared on Tash's face as she sat back down, it was nice knowing Steve had her back. Even if he could be kind of a drag sometimes.

What Tash didn't notice was the red glow starting to appear in her eyes or the burning feeling in her hands. One of Fury's papers catching fire was what gender up giving it away. "Tash I think you should take a minute to calm down" Fury noted blowing on the flame. "I'm fine" she grumbled crossing her arms, looking at Steve, and rolling her eyes. To her surprise Steve agreed "I do think you should take some deep breathes sweetheart". Tash was about to go off again before Tony burst through the door holding a phone with the news story from earlier playing and Peter right behind him. "Ah!" Tash yelped shooting flames at the wall and causing a small camp fire to ignite. "Guys we have a problem" Tony warned.

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