Lock down

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Rogers began winding down the meeting and everyone was ready to leave, when Tony stood up. "Ok guys I know you all have volunteered to watch Tash as well and considering that I want to let you all know that I've decided she is not allowed to leave the tower" . There was a chorus of mourners among the team members. "What about school?" Banner spoke up, Tony stroked his beard "homeschool" he shrugged. "I just don't feel comfortable with her out there considering her mental state and all the media surrounding her".

"Is that why you scheduled a press conference for the day after she came home?" Natasha questioned "now how did you know that Romanoff?". " I'm a spy remember" she smirked "well I've canceled the conference, I did that yesterday in fact. I've also told Jarvis to keep her in the tower and notify us if she leaves". "Ok then nothing to worry about" Clint chimed getting up and leaving the room. Everyone watched him leave before exiting themselves.

Pepper had left Tash to go do some work so now she was alone laying on her new bed in her new room. It was all to weird, she didn't feel like she deserved any of this. Heck Tony didn't deserve any of this!!, Pepper did. Regardless she was getting out of here.

She got up from her bed and checked the hallway for people before sneaking to the elevator. She got in and hit the button for the first floor. "Are you attempting to leave Madam?" A British voice said from above. Tash jumped "jesus!" she screeched grabbing her heart and leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry madam I didn't mean to startle you, I'm Jarvis Tony Stark's AI". "Of course you are" Tash mumbled sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"So madam are you planning to leave?" Tash sighed "yes Jarvis if you must know I was planning to leave now can u please let me go down" Tash huffed. "I'm sorry but mr Stark has asked me to not allow you out of the tower". "WHAT!!?" Tash yelled stomping out of the elevator towards a window and trying to open it. "The window locks are not available for you to access" Jarvis informed her. Tash even angrier now grabbed a chair from the living room. "Let's see how Stark handles this" she whispers maniacally. "Madam I advice against this" Jarvis warned but Tash didn't pay him any mind and began to run. "Mr Stark has been notified" Jarvis said.

She charged at the window planning to have stuck to the side of the building using her gadgets but she overestimated. She went crashing through the window with the chair and missed the side of the building. She began falling but instead of screaming she felt oddly calm. She let herself fall accepting her impending death. Suddenly a red and gold blur flew under her and she was no longer falling.

Tash opened her eyes to find Tony in his iron man suit carrying her up to the roof. "Tony?" she questioned "not. A. Word." His robotic voice spoke through the mask. Tash could tell he was mad. Well he shouldn't have locked her in the tower! It was his own fault. Tash crossed her arms and waited for Tony to let her down.

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