Stark theres a meeting

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Tash stared at the woman not quiet sure what she was supposed to do. "Tash this is Pepper Pots she's myyyyyyy" Tony trailed off. "Girlfriend" Pepper spoke up glaring at him with her hands on her hips. "I was gonna say love of my life but ok" Tony smiled walking over to her and kissing her. Tash couldn't help but smile at the love between them.

Just then a man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked into the room. Tash immediately recognized him as Steve Roger, aka captain merica. She chuckled to herself at the name. It was all she could do not freak out and ask him a million questions. Instead she stared at her feet and tried not to seem lame.

His attention wasn't even on her, he marched straight up to Tony "Stark we have a meeting, where have you been?" He inquired. "Non of your business Rogers" Tony fired back walking towards the meeting area. Steve quickly walked after him, "Pepper could u please show Tash her room" Tong called back to Pepper. She nodded taking Tash's hand and smiling at her.

It was a good thing Tash had lifted her head or she would've missed the look Steve gave her. After hearing Tony's words he glanced back and had to do a double take when he saw her. Tash loved seeing the look of shock on the super soldiers face as Tony dragged him away.

"Come in Tash" Pepper said starting towards another part of the floor. "I decorated your room myself so I really hope you like it!". Tash laughed "as long as it's not all pink with flowers I'm sure I'll love it". Pepper smirked "well there are roses painted on the walls but I think you'll like them". The two walked down a hallway and  towards a door hung over with police tape that said keep out active crime scene. It looked good and neatly done.


Tony and Steve walked silently down the hall. The super soldier was having a surprisingly hard time keeping up with Tony's brisk pace. Steve guessed that he was trying to avoid the question of who the girl was. He jogged up to Tony and evened with his pace. "So Stark, who's the kid?" Tony kept his gaze forward "well" he began.

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