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"I will be brave, I will not let anything take away"

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"I will be brave, I will not let anything take away"

Third Person's POV

Ember was suddenly overcome with a feeling of fatigue. Her stomach had started flipping front and back and she was starting to feel dizzy. She clenched her stomach and sped through the forest as fast as she could.

Reaching the bathroom, she started yakking her guts out into the poor toilet that was suffering due to her gripping hard. As she delivered her guts on a sickly coloured platter, Edward had returned and rushed to check on his mate who from what he heard was not feeling alright.

Being the amazing husband he aimed to be, he held back her hair while giving a kiss to her back shoulder as she did what she did. Rubbing her back soothingly, Ember stopped and took a breath.

"Stay away from me, you don't need to see this" Ember spoke, her voice raspy and dry from the amount of vomiting she had just let go of.

She got up and closed the toilet seat before sitting on the lid and placing a hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

"In sickness and in health remember," Edward said, gently taking her hand and rubbing it.

"It must have been the food, you mind grabbing my bag" Ember whispered and Edward sped over and grabbed it for her.

Looking through it, she stopped when her eyes landed on a box of tampons she had packed. Confusion spiralled up all around as she stared at it in what Edward assumed to be uncertainty.

"What is it?" he asked softly. Ember stood up, groaning a little at the headache she was receiving but too focussed on what she had discovered to care.

"How many days has it been since the wedding?" she asked

"14, why? You tell me what's going on?" he replies and furrows his brows in confusion.

"I'm late, my periods late" Ember says and quickly is about to exit the bathroom when the full length mirror catches her attention. She stops and walks to it, starting to place her hands over her lower abdomen.

Edward's eyes widen and he doesn't move, him watching her with shock, doubt and fear. Ember doesn't bother questioning it and sighs when she thinks about who she had met earlier.

'Hope Mikealson, the original birthed tribrid'

"Woah" the girl suddenly exclaimed and looked to her stomach, her hands feeling a sudden movement.

The ringtone of Edward's phone goes off and he doesn't make any attempt to check it, drowning in his own shock causing Ember to snatch his phone and answer the call.

"Alice" Ember breathes.

"Ember, are you alright?" Alice's concerned voice echoes through the room.

"I'm not a hundred per cent sure" Ember says

"Why, what's wrong I just-" suddenly Alice's voice stops causing something to stir in Ember.

"You what, Alice what did you see?" Ember asks

"Here's Carlisle" Alice quickly says before passing the phone.

"Ember, what's going on?" Carlisle asks

"Carlisle, I know this doesn't seem possible but I think I'm pregnant" I state. Edward snatches the phone back and questions Carlisle on this while Ember suddenly gasps when she feels a movement again. She rubs her stomach comfortingly and breathes trying to calm her heart.

Edward then moves to pack and sighs and leaves the room when he's done.


There had been a big conversation with Carmen when she came to return the grimoire back to Ember. Carmen claimed the child would lead to death if Ember kept it, causing her to snap at the woman stating that her prediction was false but Edward was too in shock to understand his wife's words. He was set on getting that thing out.

They were now currently back in the Cullen home, due to circumstances having them return two weeks back. Ember had grown very protective of the baby, claiming that she and it had felt a connection. 

Edward was beyond angry when he realized Ember wasn't letting Carlilse go through with killing 'it'. Ember hadn't informed them yet of her meeting as it was something she would find time for later. She knew that the baby wouldn't be a tribrid or a hybrid but which species it would be a part of was the question.

Edward had been growing even more worried when he noticed the malnutrition appearing on his wife's face and body. He assumed 'it' was killing her when in reality Ember wasn't worried at all. She didn't want to scare her new family but from the most recent visit of Hope, she wasn't allowed to disclose the information about the child. At least, not until the time was right.

But to keep her husband satisfied, she reassured him on and on that she was 100 per cent not going to die. But Edward couldn't help but be worried, looking at the state of his wife.

With Jacob's recent visit also, it was hard for her not to spill all the information she wasn't supposed to. Especially when Carlisle had told him about how he couldn't see inside her embryotic sack or when Alice claimed she couldn't see her future.

The reason being, Hope's magic creating a physical and mental shield that couldn't be broken by anyone, set in order to protect the baby from the prying eyes of her supposed new enemy who heaven knows is where.


Hey yall, long time I know. Due to covid situations, my family has been struggling mentally, physically and financially. I know some of you might know what I'm going through and I am sorry you have to go through such a thing. I and my family are in the process of moving to a new home so that's why I've been so busy.

I've been doing and trying my very best to support my family, so I am so fucking sorry I haven't been able to update and please don't think I'm guilt tripping cause I ain't.

Anyway enough of the sad moody state, how have yall been. If anyone of yall is going through any type of situation and you would like to talk about it, I'm right here. And please don't think this is creepy, I don't have a person to rant my stress out to so if you just wanna rant to someone I'm here.

My Gmail is so if you guys wanna talk just message me there. 

And now for another exciting thing, this chapter's shoutouts go to :

@GreyJoyy8, you girl are the bomb

@kwu5795, you making me internally fangirl at the pf pic especially of Joseph Morgan

Anyways, thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoy and have an awesome, terrific, amazing rest of the day.

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