II. A Lullaby

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 Dike stopped walking a few miles later, deep into the caverns leading into the very heart of Tartarus.

As freaking intimidating as that line sounds, Dike had walked this road several times, in fact, every time she leaves Tartarus, she has to pass through here. It honestly isn't that often, since she usually prefers to keep herself in the safety and company of the Titans, but since she was young, Oceanus has shown her the path from Surface-Underworld (Him being one of the only major Titans allowed to walk around as he pleases) and guided her on what she should do when she wanted to go to the surface or come back.

Dike came out to the surface mostly when there was an issue among the humans, although it was very exhausting, and usually some of the worst times ever to come out. Still, she thought the humans were much more agreeable than her Father's side of the family, now those were... whew!

Just ask the goddess she had just escaped from! Athena, Athena, Athena ... she was ... something! Dike had admired her when she was younger, in fact! I mean, who doesn't! She's even on government plaques, for pete's sake! Little Dike thought that the goddess of wisdom was second only to her Mom, and she faltered when she met her awesome Uncle Coeus but still ... probably it was just the image of Athena that she thought was awesome.

Funny how that works ... Athena has kept her image so squeaky-clean that she's a symbol of ALL wisdom and even justice for some reason!

Dike couldn't help but suddenly laugh out loud and say under her breath, "The nerve! The War goddess herself, out to steal my job, HA!"

She chuckled to herself as she set Hera's limp body gently down on the ground, feeling in a strangely good mood ... I mean, she had just escaped Miss War and also the embodiment of Victory herself!

Not bad!

Dike looked for the little bit of firewood that had dropped around the caverns while smiling to herself (Demeter comes through here sometimes to visit the underworld and has the decency to leave some behind in the cold caverns ... but that's an ultra classified secret!)

Dike then quickly corrected herself by saying out loud, "Oh ... wait, of course, Hera did help out...! No, No, I am just flattering myself, she did most of the work... of, ah, helping me stay in one piece, of course...!" She rubbed the firewood together, making a nice spark that lightened up the whole cavern with a warm glow as it hit the firewood. Dike scooted nearer to the fire, happy that she could enjoy a simple thing like that, and then pulled Hera gently closer, warmth will do her MUCH good!

Dike opened up her satchel and took out a old, musty-smelling, humongous, hardcover book, written first-handedly by her aunt Mnemoysne (Mnemoysnne can be a little bit Depressing from a near Death experience, but she's usually pretty nice ... also she's the Mom of someone, Dike doesn't remember who) and turned to pages for where there were sets of rules to attend to wounds. She put her finger at the old transcript and read, "Bruises and sword edge slices... facial cuts ... shoulder stab wound... Broken Bone - God: Ribs .... concussion symptoms..."

She flipped through a few more pages, muttering to herself,

" ... remedies for fever ... remedies for lack of ichor..."

Then, nodding to herself, Dike then took out the small first aid kit.

Sadly, it had not come with a booklet or small list of instructions, so Dike needs her Aunt's manual of "Medical Attention for hurt and sad Primordials, Titans, Gods and minor deities (1,8384th edition!) -Care for parakeets now included! ~ Rated 4.5/5 by Death-Boy, Hades! "Very important to know. Seen many dead people. Can confirm this is highly needed in modern soceity. Won't specify if referring to Parakeets, though".

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