III. Legacy

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 It was yet another one of those stuffy, dull weeks of the stuffy, dull Ares Fortress. Sadly, there wasn't as many weapons of violence and torture that Aphrodite was hoping for...

Well, okay, she wasn't precisely HOPING for, er, weapons of mass destruction ... buuuut Ares does enjoy having a small museum of of artifacts, but, well, it was surprisingly small!

Last she remembered, the place was FILLED with weapons of any and every kind, sometimes even with super cute tags written in crisp, clear handwriting, "350 BC - Sidon" or "1780 - France" and so on.

Aphrodite wondered what happened to the rest, Ares used to be so proud of that collection, and would show her it many times, it was a sort of ... er ... bonding moment. It would've been a pity if Ares had to get rid of it!

She walked along the empty stone corridors, lit by an occasional torch here and there, hearing echoes of voices and footsteps all around her. They must've been made by the kids ... since the sudden hunting-down of demigods, they had designed the Fortress of Ares as the new place for them.

Honestly, at this point the Fortress has become a sort of quasi-base for the whole darn rebellion. Funny, it had all started just as a hide-out for Hephaestus and ... well ... it seems things escalated from there...!

Aphrodite did not like this at all.

Like ... fine ... she doesn't hate kids or anything, she thinks they're very cute and fun, but ... as she told Ares,

"Look, I think that at LEAST 80% of these guys are yours, cos I sure as hades don't remember me having THAT many kids...!!!"

Too much!

Aphrodite likes her occasional party, yes, but a little peace and quiet, a little threesome or a small reunion of JUST friends can go a LONG ways, you know? And ... well, you got a constant BOMBARDING of emotions, worry, excitement, angst and several Mid-Teen-Life-Crises...

Yeahhh, Aphrodite's likes angst WAY better in books. In real life all that emotion is just plain overwhelming. PHYSICALLY overwhelming. I mean, it's for a reason that Aphrodite gets extremely uncomfortable and dismissive when any one shows a wee bit too much real-life drama.

She took a deep breath and decided to stop the complaining. She was getting information from Dryads from around the world (She is FEARED by the Dryads!) to figure out the future moves of Athena and the such ... Aphrodite was happy with herself, she had something up her sleeve that was going to take Athena down ... the short-lived obsession with Hephaestus was just a side-effect, the REAL fun will begin when-


She heard a loud roaring noise outside, making her perk up in surprise, and then she disappeared in a multicolored poof of smoke and appeared in the courtyard, where she appeared in the middle of a crowd of demigods, all yelling excitedly as Apollo stood in the middle of the courtyard, dressed in toga tucked into the belt, to allow motion, like athletes would wear, and about to say something in the microphone with a smug look on his face.

Aphrodite raised an eyebrow and called out,


Apollo turned to Aphrodite and waved with a big grin on his face while he said,

"The Olympics, Aphrodite! Thought it might shake things up a little...!"

Aphrodite was about to yell out another question, when the doors to the courtyard got thrown open and Ares (in full bionic glamor) strutted out with a pair of fake cinematic machine guns which were flaring fire, sparks and smoke everywhere with a loud,

The Inhumane ~(Previously named Greek Gods: Civil War)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora