Dragged Around

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Escucha dios mío lo que te estoy cantando [Listen to me, my god that I'm singing to you]

Por ningún motivo quiero quedar sola [I don't want to be alone for any reason]

Ruégale que vuelva que me esta matando [Beg him to come back; he kills me]

La pena que hoy no puedo resistir [Sadness which I can't stand]

Ha pasado un año desde su partida [A year has passed since his departure]

Pero sobre el, yo no he sabido nada [But I don't know anything about him]

Quien me roba lo que un día me quemaba [Who stole from me what one day burned?]

Y que por mi culpa se alejo de mi [It's my fault he's left me ]

Y que por mi culpa se alejo de mi [It's my fault he's left me]

Y que por mi culpa de alejo de mi [It's my fault he's left me]




You're at fault.

It is your fault.

The fault is yours.

Your fault.


"... dammit..."

"Finally you've said something...! Coffee?"

"No, Poseidon."

"Fair enough."

Hera slowly tilted her head towards Hebe in the corner of the room. A small coffee table had been set up next to the velvet sofa with snacks, coloring books, a children's iPad (with games oriented more for toddler's than Hebe's actual age range), and a couple juice boxes. But none of it was being used. Hebe herself had wrapped herself in a blanket, set her head on a pillow, and was now nothing but a small, tiny form buried into the corner of the couch.

(So well behaved...! Obedient, quiet, respectful! You'd barely even know the child was there! Not like the Mother, of course, now SHE was a handful!)

Well behaved.

And miserable.

When she's the least like herself, she's soooo well-behaved. When she's close to tears is when her eyes are the "cutest" ...

Poseidon sighed and got up from the sofa, making Hera startle, since she was leaning against his shoulder and mumble,

"Where are you going?"

Poseidon snorted, and then called out,

"Where else? To take care of my little company while you sit around and mope, Ma'am...!"

Hera narrowed her eyes and looked away, grumbling,

"... stop calling me that-"

Poseidon's face twitched slightly as he glanced at the doorway, before turning around and saying,

"... Look, you come down here at the break of dawn, silently sit on the sofa while your kid sleeps away, tending to your needs and then you just keep staring into the oblivion while expecting me to stay...?""

  It was rather easy at this point to see the build-up fire in Hera's eyes light up like someone had just dropped a jar of kerosene on californian grass. And you could see Poseidon's eyes lighten as well. Not with anger, but aroused fascination ... that's where the fun begins.

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