X. Melinoe (Part 1)

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[Up above, we got Hades himself!  I wanted to do Melinoe, but sadly, I didn't find a picrew that'll do her justice!]

 It is a strange thing to see a Deity grow and mature ... it could depend on them, fate, or circumstance, therefore, childhood could last thousands of years, physically and mentally, so not using the form of a child, or course, like certain people like Hestia, but being an ACTUAL young deity is ... well ... it always has its ups and downs.

Still, the the world understands that a three thousand year old goddess with the body AND mind of a 12 year old ... is a 12 year old, and are allowed to live like ones ... as long as they aren't caught up in issues of the immortals, young deities could live their lives without worry...

Although obviously when I say COULD, it does not mean they always DO.






"Lunch-break will be in approximately three minutes and thirty .... thirty-two seconds, the target still is not in peripheral vision, I request mission delayed? Delayed!? Why would the mission be delayed, this is a matter of life ... or ... DEATH!!!"

Twelve-year-old Melinoe took a deep breath as she bit the side of her pencil, telling herself,

"Calm yourself, Soldier, we still have three minutes and twenty-five seconds, prepare yourself for immenent battle, no mayhaps about...!"

She frowned to herself, and began to twirl the long white hair from the right side of her head, thinking,

"... we enter the cafeteria in three minutes and nineteen seconds, once there, you will see the love of your life, what will you do? Walk up to her and welcome her to the St James's, explain the average stuff, and once that is done, all you have to do is see her fall in love with your charming personality...!"

Melinoe smiled to herself as she remembered the bad-assery that is this girl...! She had already gotten in trouble TWICE ... for stuff she ACTUALLY did!

Melinoe deemed that QUITE impressive!

The jealousy would've been strong if it weren't for the butterflies in her stomach that fluttered for dear life whenever she passed her...

She completely forgot over her planned mission as the back of her notebook slowly got filled with her doodles, which were mostly silly cartoons of people, sketches of cute dragons, and hundreds of noses.

The hot, humid weather seemed to make time go mortifyingly slow, and in middle of a history class too, so those remaining minutes moved at snail's pace, driving her insane till finally the bell rang and she jumped up to her feet.

She picked up her stuff along with the rest of the kids, while she noticed that the Principal had been sitting in the back of the classroom all this time, no wonder the usual ... er ... MERRY children were silent all class long....!

She avoided his glance as she mixed in with the crowd to leave, and none too soon for her either, because then the Principal got up and exited at the same time as the other kids, plenty of them avoiding him as well!

There was many reasons several of the kids were pretty nervous around this guy, he was nowhere near as cool as the last Principal, and somewhat loved reminding everyone that THIS ... is a Catholic boarding school, NOT a public school, you can't act like if it were, which annoyed several kids to death, of course, but that wasn't necessarily the reason that Melinoe in particular dreaded having him in the same room as her!

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