V. "I'm Tired".

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 Ares was in a bliss, a moment of painful but triumphant strength, a moment in which he HAS to fight, and fight the good fight for the good of the family, as painful as it may be, with all the strength a god could muster, and no, NO ONE after this will have the right to say he's an "invalid" who can't take care of himself, NO-


Ares proceeded to collapse flat on the ground in exhaustion as a bunch of five year olds slipped and fell off his back, screaming,


And Ares realized that probably bragging that even in his condition he could do Bruce Lee finger pushups while carrying fifteen of kids in his back (how they all fit, who knows ... magic!) MAYBE could've not helped in the bigger picture of things, but hey, who can say no to these young'uns?

The tiny demigods peered at him intently, waiting for him to do something interesting, and all of a sudden, they burst into tiny squeals and began to immediately jump on him and attack...!

Ares yelped out and put his arms over his head as he now somewhat realized why in BuzzGreek everyone rated Ares Children as the most "ill-behaved", which had made him challenge a few annoyed mothers to a duel to the death and/or head-slice, which they all politely declined.

Ares looked up at the ferocious faces of his kids and then suddenly grinned, and sat up very suddenly, his bionic back making a loud, ominous CREAKING noise, making all the kids stare for a moment in surprise, and then Ares suddenly took out his sword out of its sheath with a sudden aggressive flourish and roared,


The kids then burst into shrill screams and giggling as they burst out running with Ares literally chasing them around with a sword when someone yelled out from a window overlooking the courtyard,


Ares gave one last roar and swung his sword with a loud SWISH- before then looking up, not being able to see very well since the midday sun was in his eyes and yelling,

".... What...!?!"

The sun felt like if it was now REALLY getting through his fingers like if Ares now had a migraine or fever, while the kids had stopped running and were looking back in confusion and looking pissed that Ares wasn't chasing them anymore, so were now tugging at him, trying to get him to get back to playing with them again, although obviously that didn't move him very much.

From up the window, the glaring light got even more fierce as they heard Apollo's voice thunder,


Ares then yelled back,

"They're MY kids...!"


Ares glanced down where some had now been gripping on to his legs, ready to knock him down as he said,

"So if I don't continue playing with 'em, they'll murder me and I'm not in the best shape right now...!"

After an odd pause he then heard Apollo yell out irritadely,

"Someone's going to get HURT, mark my words... And keep them away from my kids, don't want them to learn any bad habits...!"

Ares took a heavy-kid-interfered step forward and just yelled out offended,


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