Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

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This woman was EXACTLY what Hera had been looking for in a journalist worthy to take a seat at her small corporation. She had nailed every interview, every questionnaire—even with her practically empty, amateur-smelling portfolio, Hera had no choice but to hire her on the spot, no regrets or second thoughts. But now she wasn't so sure about making that decision. The gross speed in which this woman ran up the ladder with her charm, extraordinary wit and sheer freaking will was just terrifying. There was even an order sent by Hera to look through every bit of her work, history and documents for foul play of absolutely ANY kind, but not a single thing was found. So, either Aphrodite Alexopoulos was the mastermind in clearing her tracks, or she was simply a relentless, hardworking gal who absolutely deserved what she had.

MAYBE. Maybe. The report would have arrived wrong under specific circumstances, but then again, I made a search myself afterwards ... I could have missed something of course, perhaps ... No, no one has that much luck on their first gig, that's impossible-!


"You're welcome."

Hera jolted awake, her reading glasses falling off-screw her nose as a pile of paperwork dropped down on the table's surface in front of her, all filled with red pen as she groaned to herself,

"... Why does he keep this cruising thing is BEYOND me..."

A starkly-dressed man with a ring the size of a softball who had dropped this on her desk turned around and said proudly,

"...Because LunaTech plans ahead, of course...!"

Hera made a pained smile as she looked down at the columns of red ledgers and said blankly,

"... profit isn't even reaching 40% of what he owes, it's an ego burst to prove himself, not a business deal, I'd suggest you start finding another employment before there's another layoff, Del."

He looked at her offended, making Hera smirk a tad. I mean, this is one of the only forms of entertainment she gets during the day job, and the way he scrunched up his face in indignated horror was always good for the soul ...

"WELL, I'VE NEVER– ... I'll tell you what, how about you don't be a smart-ass and just do what you are being PAID to do...! Even though its more of some stupid charity case than an actual profitable JOB, now that I think of it ...!" His face had turned a sickly purplish color instead of red like most people would, straightening up and turning his heel to go, livid over the thought of layoff again.

Hera — having heard every single one of these complains a dozen times before — turned to the computer and flicked at the mouse to get the monitor back on, ready to fit in the record every single bit of information she is supposed to archive, a dim, useless job that shouldn't exist in the first place unless if you were friend of the self-proclaimed Empathetic Millionaire who couldn't fit you anywhere else. A curious position to be in, sure, but if she's going to maintain her own corporation, well, time to serve as LunaTech's personal trash bin...

(GOD, the whole place is a RESORT, a seaside RESORT, why the hell has the name coined in 1963 STILL officially used if there is not a single thing relating to a damn Moon or damn technological–)

Hera's thoughts froze in her head as her eyes glanced down at the upper-right corner of the screen.

9:58 PM

Hera jumped up from her chair so violently it almost tipped over, snatching her jacket, leather bag and finger-print-stained glasses, some papers whooshing through the air and slipping under vestibule walls. She could hear Dolphin-dunce call out after her, "... Just fifty-one pages and you're GONE, so it's like that now?!"

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