VI. Family Safety

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(I will start doing Picrews of the gods, ya'll! This one right here is of lil' Hebe)

These clothes did NOT fit either.

Hebe looked at herself and felt physical pain.

Her clothes just looked... awful.

Stiff, tight jackets, thick scarves, heavily knitted sweaters and olive color slacks... apparently this supposed to be her new look?! Beige, brown, neutral colors...

Hades, even her Mom, the original Mother-Goddess didn't dress like THIS...

Hebe thought that it was in very poor taste, indeed, she didn't care that everyone told her she looked beautiful in it, she just didn't. She wanted her old bright pink clothes and cute dresses and just ... HER look, but not that it would do much good complaining about this...

She sighed and slumped on the edge of her bed ... which also had been refurbished in somewhat the same aesthetic.

It felt strange ... her room had barely ever been remodeled since, heck, since she was BORN. Her mother used to baby her a lot, and decided that if Hebe didn't want her room refurbished, then her room WON'T be refurbished, easy as that.

It's a well known fact that deities mature at different levels, and while Hermes at only a day old was stealing someone else's COWS, it's been more than three thousand years and Hebe still feels, well, like a young teenager, basically. Hera never rushed her growing up, and Zeus didn't either ... till recently, that is.

With Hera out of the way, Athena can now boss over Hebe as much as she pleases, how she pleases, when she pleases with WHOM she pleases, and everyone just ... well, goes along with it.

Even Hebe, as displeased as she is over this whole thing, doesn't even dare tell Athena she isn't happy with it ... and anyways, now she has worse things to worry about than clothes and aesthetics. Last time Athena tutored Hebe into the art of being "The New Matriarch", she had mentioned that to, well, BE the new matriarch, Hebe needed to live it too ...

Just the thought of it made Hebe's stomach churn with worry. She needed to become a Mother, else how is she going to be the goddess of Mothers? It was that simple...!

She pushed those thoughts aside and figured that she should worry instead about how Hercules would take this news. He and She were ... not very close, that's for sure, and she was worried He wouldn't want to cooperate and that'll make HER get in trouble ...! But on the other hand that would be a magnificent excuse...

She clenched her jaw and stared at the phone and receiver on the little table between her bed and Hercules'. His bed was neat and empty like it had been for, woah, millenia. He had his own place to live and his own life, the only time he slept there was once when there was a party in Olympus, he drank too much, and had to crash somewhere.

She knew his cell number, so she could just call him right now with that phone, explain to him the situation, see what ... outcome would appear from it ...

She leaned forwards, took the olive-color receiver and then hesitated ... she stared back at the number keypad, the churning in her stomach worsening as she thought of what would Hercules say ... she didn't want him to be ANGRY at her, she didn't want him to be hurt, or think she calls just because she needs something, and she just ... was afraid of what he would say, maybe he'll hate her, hades, maybe he ALREADY hates her, I mean, she went to visit him a while ago at his event, and he roared at her to get out, no?!

She felt herself beginning to panic as she held that receiver tightly in her sweaty hands, but then the door to her bedroom just SLAMMED open, making her slam the receiver down on its stand with a sharp SHRIEK as Zeus just bounced straight into her room like one of those crazed German Shepherds do when opening the door for them to come inside!

The Inhumane ~(Previously named Greek Gods: Civil War)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat