Power of the Forgotten

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Yo sé que un día tú volverás [I know someday you will be back]

Y tú de todo te arrepentirás [And everything you will regret]

Yo me puse dispuesta a tus pies [I was at your feet]

Y tan sólo con desprecio me has pagado, pero ahora ve [And only with contempt you've repaid me, but now see... ]

Si una vez dije que te amaba [If I ever said I loved you]

Hoy me arrepiento [I now hate it]

Si una vez dije que te amaba [If I ever said I loved you]

No sé lo que pensé estaba loca [I Don't know what I was thinking, I was crazy]

Si una vez dije que te amaba [If I ever said I loved you]

Y que por ti la vida daba [And that for you I'd give my life]

Si una vez dije que te amaba [If I ever said I loved you]

No lo vuelvo a hacer [I won't ever do so again]

Ese error es cosa de ayer . [That is yesterday's mistake]





Hebe was brushing her teeth and preparing to go to bed. She was staring up at the same mirror Hera had just a couple mornings before, and had just put on her pajamas for the night. She was humming over and over a restaurant jingle that seemed to have no intention whatsoever of leaving her mind.

She just had a decent day, had eaten a few sweets in the morning when her Mom wasn't home, tossing the wrappers a little ways out of the front door to make sure there was no trace, She had gone to the library, watched plenty of TV, done homework and explored a new game she had downloaded on her Mom's phone.

Productive day. Not too many bumps along the way, if you ignored how strangely jumping her Mom was acting. But then again, her Mom usually wasn't...

(if your Dad didn't like it, that was his problem...)

... the most relaxed person she's seen. If anything, the only times she's ever seen her lie down was because she absolutely had to, if she was shaking with exhaustion. Like if there would be some grand punishment at the end of the road if she was ever caught ever not doing work or even planning for work. Hebe didn't feel any jealousy about it, after all, she was pretty sure that "Hebe" was filed right under "Work" in the grand computer that was her Mother's head.

("... Have you been seeing weird people recently?")

Everything feels weird now, actually ...

Hebe startled at that. The memory had just appeared into her mind out of the blue like memories tend to do, but she had automatically answered it back, answered it with the real conviction she had, the thing she knew since much before Athena had asked her this.

Her humming completely stopped as she stared at herself in the mirror, dark hair only superficially brushed, eyes slightly red from a little too much TV and not enough sleep. She thought she had heard the knock on the door from the night time Baby-Sitter, and was about to run in that direction to open the door, when she thought for a moment and decided the sound must've been her own imagination.

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