The Boy, The Librarian and the Hero

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"... what the HELL-!?"

Hera stumbled backwards, as if able to run away from her own hands, kicking up the velvet blanket away on the floor, when her head and shoulder roughly hit the three foot stool in the corner where the vinyl player was, making the stool rock violently and then tip over. She gave a hoarse yell before throwing herself at the device and catching it before it hit the floor, although one of its sharp wooden corners practically smashed her cheekbone one the way down.

She glanced at it closely for a moment, catching sight of her hands ... now wet with nothing else but sweat.

... It was hot, sticky and smelled of rusted iron, friends ... She said I ...

... Who?

Hera just stared into the fine carving of the device for a good while, before groaning as she got up to her feet, shaking her head and mumbling to herself,

"... You dumbass ...!"

As she put it back on its dusty place.




Las manos en los bolsillos [The hands in the pockets]

Siempre mirando al suelo [Always looking at the floor]

Enciendes un cigarrillo [You turn on a cigarette]

No paras de fumar [You can't stop smoking]

Las noches son eternas [Nights are eternal]

El día mejor ni hablar [Better don't mention the day]

Empiezas a preguntarte [You start to ask yourself]

Porque ahora estás así [Why are you now like this]

Empiezas a preguntarte [You begin to ask yourself]

Quien piensa en ti [Who thinks of you?]

Quien piensa en ti [Who thinks of you]

Quién te ha robado tu mirada feliz [Who has stolen your happy gaze]

Quién te ha cambiado tu ilusión por dolor [Who has switched illusion to pain]

Quién se ha llevado tu momento mejor [Who has taken away your best moment]

Quien piensa en ti [Who thinks of you?]





Alright. He's outside now, stuck on the front porch, with absolutely nothing else to do.

Couldn't even bring the tablet out here, that's the rules. Best you could do was inch back into the porch a little at a time, ever so slightly, to avoid the direct sun in your face, that irritating blazing heat of this time of year. Time to keep your hands on your lap and receive the goody vitamin D like a plant and just, what, wave goodbye to the good people of this here neighborhood? There was no one else living in this apartment building except single overworked entrepreneurs — As his Yia Yia called them — and absolutely no kids whatsoever, at least any that have left their room, like he has unfortunately been forced to.

Hephaestus groaned and leaned backwards in his chair, his hyper-active 9-year old brain beginning to wonder all the ways in which he will proceed now to go insane, maybe start crazy-cackling louder than that one guy when they discovered his secret diary ...

The Inhumane ~(Previously named Greek Gods: Civil War)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang