XII. A Brother and a Sister

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(Above is Apollo!)

By shimmering between himself and Pluto, switching between his dual nature, that he had somewhat perfected at this point, Hades was doing all the best he could to fight off Poseidon, who just kept getting more and more excited like a kid in the circus, blocking off boulders of rock with precious materials encrusted inside them as they flew out from crevices in the ground, fighting directly against extremely high pressured explosions of water, and at the same time make sure Hades doesn't get too close, else his life-force could end up in risk again.

Hades was very much starting to get exhausted at this point, his fight moving even slower than usual, like if he were one of those huge cartoon ogres, not to mention caught woefully unprepared, and without his army of undead at his disposal ...

If Poseidon was impressed, he didn't show it, he created a vortex of water that fell around them both, blocking off anything around them, the round, sharp walls so cold they felt like knives, and then Poseidon asked, with all the casuality of them walking down a peaceful park at sunset,

"Tell me, Hades, tell me, why is it that Pluto can handle all these cool rocks but Hades can't just summon a small battalion of skeletons for the heck of it? Just curious, of course, you don't have to answer if you don't want to...!"

A pillar shot out from under Hades feet, suddenly lifting him up high into the air from where a golden shield formed, and broke through the cold vortex, Hades against it, escaping it before he fell down back to the concrete, falling along one of the cracks he created along the floor, but grabbing the edge and pulling himself over it, now covered in ash from the constant destruction, not helping but wonder what the mist is translating all of this as for any unlucky humans who happened to be close by...!

Poseidon landed a little ways away from him, sliding off a stream like if he were a child sliding down in a playground, and while staying completely dry, he then called out,

"So, since Thanatos is now basically our puppet, that means that ... ahhh, okay, okay, thank Zeus the one who can actually do damage is on our side, for a while I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, I just can't stand zombies, it's very disturbing if you think about it!!"

Poseidon's voice just seemed even more irritable for Hades more than ever, although not as much as Pluto, who took over for a moment as Hades shimmered and glitched, making him suddenly picture Poseidon getting comically thrown up into the stratosphere kicking and screaming, making an enormous clump of dirt and un-mined jewels erupt out from under Poseidon's feet and throw him into the air.

It was actually quite satisfying.

Hades stumbled up from the floor, his view blurred by the hard rain falling around him, trying to locate where Melinoe could be ... For a moment there, he felt relief as it seemed she had gotten far away, but the caught sight of her form suddenly disappearing from a window in one of the buildings, since she had probably ran inside to escape the violent waves.

Hades hoped she better have used this opportunity to get out and run, since Poseidon was very temporarily gone, but that also meant that Hades had to keep him well and distracted ... best shot he has is to get him weak for at least just one moment, try ripping his self out of him again, just the pause seemed to give Hades enough time to replenish his confidence and regain his power as well, the little refraining he had for his younger brother was starting to melt away as the rainstorm began to worsen and he saw the clouds above darken ...

Hades reached deep into the ground as chunks diamonds began to crawl up like if they were some kind of pack of small creatures and smashing together to create two large boulders, working as shields and hard clubs as well, as he caught sight of Poseidon landing down the street, in a rain of thunder and at front of a mini-hurricane.

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