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Condenado para siempre [Condemned forever]

En esta horrible celda [In this horrible cell]

Donde no llega el cariño [Where there is no care]

Ni la voz de nadie [Nor any one's voice]

Aquí me paso los días [Here I spend my days]

Y la noche entera [And the complete night]

Solo vivo del recuerdo ... eterno de mi madre

[I only live from the eternal memory of my Mother]

Ay ay ay solo espero que llegue [Ay ay ay ... I only wait for it to come]

Ay ay ay el día que la muerte [... the day in which death...]

Ay ay ay me lleve a estar con ella [... will take me to her...]

Ay al fin, ay cambiara a mi suerte [Ay, finally, that my luck will change]

Ay ay ay todos de mi se alejan [... from me everyone leaves]

Ay ay ay perdi toda esperanza [... I've already lost all hope]

Ay a Dios sólo llegan mis quejas [Only to god do my cries reach]




It's scary to be standing next to a giant, not because of some scary idea that they will pick you up and digest you like a Titan... it's just that sometimes, well, they fall. And how do you bear up a falling giant? A being so big in every sense of the word, one that you could marvel at the sheer capacity to do pretty much anything, but at the same time, could most easily trip and fall and there's no stopping, nor helping it once it falls. There's nothing you can do to help a giant, and some say there's nothing more terrifying than a terrified giant.

But then the image of a giant warps and fizzles out, and next thing you know, it's an adult, and you're a kid. Adults are beings who are supposed to do anything and everything, just look at how big and capable they are ... even most things that they tell you they're not "supposed" to do are still things that—at least in theory— they can. But then when you see beyond just the strength and magnanimousness, they're just broken, crushed, a hair away from collapsing. Maybe even collapsing on you if you're in their way.

So imagine the chaos that is this little scene unfolding right before Hebe.

There wasn't much she could remember later to point out, just little moments that could be strewn together to make some sense of, but she would've rather be having her teeth pulled out than having to sit here in between these two giants roaring at each other while nameless uniformed strangers glared at her up and down, trying to read her to figure out the whole situation and probably visualizing if anything that was now being screamed was true in some circumstance ...

Don't ask me anything, nobody asks me anything! if I end up crying right now—and that's not good for anyone— I'm invisible, okay...? Completely invisible, and I'm NOT gonna start bawling-


... shit.

"Leave Hebe the hell out of this...!"

"Oh well, THAT would be very convenient for you now, wouldn't it, Hera...!?"

Hebe grit her teeth and stared down at the floor, wishing her hair was just a little bit longer so it could hide her face, or leave it in shadows like in a cartoon... maybe if she was quiet enough, that'll give them the impression that she's just not ready to talk, that way they'll know without her even having to say a single-

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