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How is you? ^^

Pleased to meet cha!  

THIS little project here, is a little book I've been writing for the past almost four years!

Since its been a while, and since then I've changed and evolved as a person and as a writer (At least I HOPE SO-), I've decided to delete a TON of the old chapters, but still leave a few because they still have a place in my heart and I personally still love 'em.  BUT, they're pretty much prequel stories that don't really take much place in the main storyline. 

"Prequel" chapters: A Voice -> XII

 Which is the main storyline?  Well, the gods are humans now.  Starring Hera.  Its  fun with characters and exploring the greek gods as humans and as iconic figures in culture, yada-yada, let's throw in some happy moments, angst, silly times, cults and horror, why doncha?!

It'll be fun!  At least, for me its been a hella fun ride, and I'd like to share it!  

A few trigger warnings here and there, book is definitely not for kids, deals with some heavy stuff here and there like depression, @buse, h#rrassment, h0m0ph0bia, so on and so forth, but I really want to approach it respectfully, especially since I've experienced plenty of these myself.  

This story is more of a side-project for the fun of it, hopefully it'll be fun for you too, I want to update at least every month (seems like a LONG time, I know, but I got wattpad stories in my library that were last updated YEARS AGO-),  if you got any cool ideas, please comment so I can see them! (I always check out the comments!) and if you're still reading, then THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

ALSO, SHOUT-OUT to @Iamapitabread for sticking around for the last almost FOUR YEARS and giving me the idea for the book ages ago!

The Inhumane ~(Previously named Greek Gods: Civil War)Where stories live. Discover now