The World through a Mirror

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Me levanto ... de la cama tarde ... [I wake up from the bed late]

Que alegria, otro dia, Nace... [Another day, what happiness, it's born.]

Hoy no sonó el reloj, gracias por ese favor [Today the clock didn't sound, thank you for the favor]

Peino mi cabello, aunque no lo quiera [I brush my hair, even though I don't want to]

Me miro en el espejo, veo que no estoy tan fea [I look at the mirror, I see I'm not that hideous]

Voy a la cocina, abro la heladera [I go to the kitchen, I open up the freezer]

Se acabó la leche, tomo lo que sea [The Milk's all gone, I take whatever]

....Abro la ventana y dejo que me toque el sol! [I open the window, and I let myself be touched by the sun]

Que alegria, otro dia, Viva... [What joy, another day, Cheers.]

En la radio ... una voz me canta [On the radio, a voice sings to me]

Y lo despierto a él, ¡muy buenos días amor! [And I wake him up, good morning love!]

Despierta dormilón, te estoy siendo infiel con el sol. [Wake up, sleepy-head, I'm cheating with the sun.]

Tengo un cigarillo, aunque no lo deba [I have a cigarette, even though I shouldn't]

El me grita "deja", yo le invito prueba [He yells to me "stop it", I say "try it"]

Es como un chiquillo, se que es su idea [He's like a small one, I understand his ideas]

Ya no le desisto, que haga lo que quiera [I don't stop HIM, I let him do what he wants]

Si después de todo, todo lo que quiero es el. [If, after all, isn't he all I want?]



Yellow morning light reflecting off the white marble tiles of the bathroom. Everything was messy, but clean, except for the counter and sink, full of make-up stains, palettes, brushes, and more self-care items that she had bought last night on a freak shopping spree, who knows why she had chosen the sweet hour of two in the morning to do that. It was an interesting whirlwind of a night, as usual during the panic that comes with the beginning of a weekend.

It seemed dumb, how she was spending so much time on deciding some kind of look for the weekend, usually almost done with it before destroying it again in a mess which did nothing but dirty up the sink even more, her mind surprisingly directionless over what should have been a fairly easy matter.

She looked up at the mirror and scowled at herself. She's not her neighbor, who seems like some ancient sorceress when it comes to coming up with the perfect look in mere minutes alone.

For some length of time that seemed very long (Tends to happen when you stare at your nose half-awake in a senseless morning, apparently) the few thoughts nesting in her brain went extinct. She had no idea who she was, what she was doing here, if only for a few minutes, everything simply went blank, and the fact that she had the instinct to accept it as a normal part of the morning was more than a little disturbing, she wondered why she would have never questioned it before then.

As she snapped back to this hazy reality, she became aware that there were periods of time in which slipping to some other plane of existence was nothing more than an average part of the morning, although each time seemed like the first. But this time just felt especially so much more so, fighting this assumption and passive knowledge was just not in her nature, or at least, it shouldn't be. She could remember the blurred image of her Aunt letting her jump into the ocean right outside of their secluded house, where she could distinctly remember the first overconfident jump, a jump that had led to being roughly transported to the world under the waves, blurred, confusing, eerie. Then, the sudden, horrid realization that her then tiny lungs were filling with water and salt, and she was drowning. That made her receive a sharp scolding from her Aunt as she pulled her, a mess of a child, kicking and screaming, by the arm and hair out of the cold world that was under the waves, screaming, "Shut up and BREATHE, goddammit! Calm yourself down and breathe, Hera!"

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