VIII. The Titans

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Dike spread out her arms and bent down to a knee as her three little sisters ran up to her, shrilly screaming as they ran up to her in frilly, huge, multicolored dresses, the kind that people would wear only for something like a photoshoot...!

The toddlers hugged her tightly, excitedly squealing with delight as her Aunt Asteria leaned against the wall a little ways away and chuckled softly, giving them a warm smile as Dike straightened up and ruffled one of the little girl's hair, saying,

"Have they been behaving while I was gone...?"
Her Aunt drank some spearmint tea from an alumminum thermal mug, careful to not let it drip down her lacy, rather thin for a-Victorian-dress, and simply shrugged while making a waving hand gesture.

Dike raised an eyebrow and looked down at her sisters, saying,

"Thallo, Auxo, Carpo...? Have you been giving your Aunt a hard time while I was gone?"

The girls giggled and shook their heads confidently, when the tv across the dimly-lighted room where they were, started to sound coming from its sound system,

"... but professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction ... Chemical X! *KABOOM*"

The kids immediately screeched and burst out running towards a old, comfy couch in front of the television and made themselves comfortable as their favorite cartoon began, making Dike put her hands on her hips and say,

"Heh, show starts and suddenly I am forgotten...!"

Asteria tapped Dike's shoulders while saying,

"Well now, be thankful that those lil' demons are addicted to it for now...!"

Dike laughed nervously and said, trying to stay a little bit mature,

"Really now, I hope that they haven't caused too much trouble, at least more than usual...!"

Asteria ruffled Dike's long, brown hair and said,

"Oh, girl, now, relax...! You're out there condeming bas- ... I mean, well, THOSE people while keeping humanity in check, you have plenty of responsabilities, it's the least I can do, big fan of your work, by the way...!"

Dike playfully pushed off the Titaness' rough hand while laughing,


Asteria just chuckled and said before taking another sip of her tea,

"Who would've known, lil' Dike all grown up...! Doin' all of us Titans a favor, you'll get us all out of here soon, I warrant...!"

Dike slightly blushed and said,

"I ... don't think I would manage to get that far, but..."

Asteria rolled her eyes and smirked,

"Eh, hold the self-belittling, now-"

The noise of some heavy, far-off doors slamming startled Dike and Asteria (the kids definitely didn't) and heard some footsteps, shuffling and low voices.

Asteria's countenance slightly hardened as she said in a low voice,

"She still here...?"

Dike hesitated and said, "Yes ... she just needs to say something or other, but I think she should be gone in not that-"

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