Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N:Holy Moly! Chapter 21. And I just reached 11K. Thank you guys so much for supporting me and patiently waiting for each update. You have no idea how appreciative I am for all of it. Honestly. You guys are the reason why I like to write now. :) So thank you for sparking my creativity. 

Anyways. Like always. Show some more love through comments, votes and follows if you want to. Oh! And if you can, help me with future chapters. I'm starting to get writers block for this story line so I need some help. If you have any ideas on future interactions, dreamscapes, and what not, shoot me a comment or message. Pleeeaaasssseeee.

:D Thank you !!! 

Enjoy! And have a good and amazing day. 

You're all beautiful, amazing and incredible people. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise ;)


Your POV:

What was that?! What was I about to do???

I was mentally punching myself in the face over what had just occurred no more than a few minutes ago.

All I wanted to do was go and clear my head for a moment and the next thing I know I am close to kissing the one person that I had planned to avoid the entire tour. Okay. I knew that was going to be impossible. I was going to be on tour with them for a few months. But come on! I was about to kiss her?! Kiss her. On the lips. With my lips. 

That was impossible. Well... I thought it was, anyways. Now. Not so much.

"What's wrong?" Harry stopped walking and turned towards me noticing that I was silent throughout the whole time. Concern was washed over his face. That was a constant nowadays and I felt guilty knowing that I was the reason every time I saw it in his eyes.

"Nothing," I brushed off and tried to continue our stride back to my hotel suite.

"It's not nothing," he stopped me and held onto my shoulders. "And you know it." I stared down at the floor ashamed to stare into his green eyes. "Let me in, Alex," he begged, trying his best to make eye contact with me. 

I continued to look down, unable to meet his gaze as I tried to battle the thoughts in my mind. I couldn't tell him the truth because I didn't even know what the truth was anymore. My reality was merging with my fantasy and my fantasies were merging with my reality. It was all blurring into one and it was slowly making me going crazy.

So what should I tell him? Because he wasn't going to quit worrying if I stayed silent now. 

Should I tell him the things I see in my dreams? That I starting dreaming about this perfect, beautiful, happy little girl who had the perfect and loving family that I had always longed for. To turn out to be a real family named the Cabello's and it just so happened that little girl I was imagining myself to be was in fact the Camila Cabello's little sister. Or should I tell him that I still see Tyler? Tyler who should be dead but feels so real whenever I close my eyes. That I wished I never would open my eyes again if it meant that I could stay with him in this carefree bubble my mind would make up for us.

I couldn't tell him any of that. The moment I let the truth leave my mouth would most likely  be the moment my parents decide to place me in a "rehabilitation" center to cope with a mental breakdown. Yeah. No thank you.

As if sensing my internal turmoil, Harry released me from his hold and took a step away.

"Just let me know when you're ready to talk," he turned and started to walk away.

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