Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: This is the last chapter!!! Wooo ! 

It's been a long journey my friends. Eh. Eh. Get that. haha. I know. I'm a dork. 

Thank you once again for following this story and following my others. You guys are TOO AWESOME 

Extra points to anyone who figures out where this ^^^^ scene is from :D 

Anyways. Comment whether or not you want to do an epilogue for this. :D 

Like always, vote, comment, or follow. Whatever floats your boat. 


Camila's POV:

I sat in my seat with my plate of food in front of me, gently pushing the pieces of meat with my fork. Everyone else was conversing with each other happily.

"Camz," Lauren grabbed my attention with a nudge.

I looked up from my plate to see that everyone was looking at me.

"I'm sorry. What was it you were saying?" 

"We were just discussing the details on the next event the management signed you all up for," Will explained. "Is everything all right, Camila?" 

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just tired. Food coma, I guess," I replied.

"Food coma?" Will questioned, eyeing the plate in front of me. "Maybe we should call it a night then."

I quickly agreed along with the other girls since they knew that I wasn't myself at the moment.

"Camila, wait up," Ally called out for me as we all started to head out.

"Camila," Dinah held onto my wrist before I was able to walk out myself. "Wait." She signaled the bodyguards who were getting situated and ready.

"I just want to get out of here," I pulled away.

"So you can hole yourself in again? So you can slowly lose yourself into depression?" Dinah said.

"I wasn't-" 

"Bullshit, Mila. We know you better than you would like to think," Normani rolled her eyes. "And I'm betting you still think that you can deal with this all by yourself? Whatever THIS is. The lone wolf motto you have somehow adopted through the years. We used to be each other's ears when we needed someone to listen. We used be each other's shoulder to cry on. And we still are. We're here for you, Mila." 

All the girls had shown and told me of their love. I knew that they all meant well so I might as well listen to their wise words.

This was too much for me to handle.

"I learned something," I sighed. I could already feel the burn of my tears from behind my eyes. "I always wondered who was so blessed and lucky to have my Sofi's heart. I always wanted to know what this person was doing with their second chance." 

The girls looked to each other before I continued on. 

"I wanted to believe that this person was just wasting away so that I could be angry at them. Hate them even. I just want to hate them so bad for taking away Sofi from me. But I can't and I feel like I am betraying Sofi because of it." 

Again the girls gave each other a knowing look, which caused me to know that they were hiding something from me. We used to do that with every little secret we carried during interviews and now they were doing it to me.

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