Chapter Seven

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In a devilish delight did Miguel find his merry way towards the doorstep, the metallic ringing bell put a melody of his plot in his mind, the shipment had all arrived, and now was all ready to be settled down.

Moving took nearly all day, thankfully he didn't have much to do due to a rather freak accident occuring a few days ago and all his time was eaten away by self preservation and research into his newfound illness, it took a big toll on him, sure, but without his constant meddling and back peddling on the cancerous growth, would he truly live that long?

To test out his own theory and satiate his starving curiosity did he move onto the next part of his plan. It would take some time, sure, but what didn't?

The mountains and forests near his home town had alot of animals in them, monkeys, jaguars and stuff that certainly wasn't going to stop him now.

The lab was settled after a day or two of gruesome work, and through blood tears and sweat did he capture some live test subjects, making sure to keep them safe and happy of course, alongside perhaps interfering with their thought patterns to increase the amicable and amiable mannerisms in them.

No longer would he have to fear monkey slashes and big cats hunting him down, but now, just sat down and having his shoulders massaged by one of his captured 'friends', one he had named Atulu after a certain monkey themed movie he had watched as a kid.

Atulu had been rescued by him from hunters in a forest nearby his home town, there were lots of wildlife there to be peeked at, and Miguel, while feeling guilty, knew they were better off with him than in the hunting grounds.

The monkey wasn't an obedient one, that was for sure, and made clear to everyone that his rival was Altabar  a jaguar he had captured an successfully domesticated even. A born hunter now locked up in a cage seemingly, yet happy to be obedient.

But make no mistake, Altabar, whose name Miguel for some or the other odd reason thought of as a reference or homage to the villain of the same movie Atulu's name was based around, was not one to be a walking mat.

They both would've probably been at each other's throats, even though the scenario would've been ridiculously in Altabar's favour, being a big cat against a small monkey gave him a much bigger advantage.

But alas, he had already made sure to settle down for the rest of the animal names, naming them after common things, like Flowers or their own scientific names, simple things like those.

It took nearly a week, probably due to the amount of times Goodwin called him up to meet up, and her eating away his time, not that he took a dislike to her as he considered it an important break and relaxation time from his works.

He wasn't a biologist by any chance, nor did he score any too well on any medical examinations recently but with his newfound ability of genetic manipulation?

He was ready to hunt down the cause for his disease, and perhaps give his friends a new place to visit, free from humans that would be putting their lives in constant peril atleast.

And so, he did just that, a brand new world was created and in the off chance that he forget not to delete it, he reorganised everything on the world's tab, putting the delete option far, far away for now.

Today was the day he started his career in electronics, for he knew that he wouldn't get too far without monetary aid, but a call from a dear friend had to be attended first.

    "Thompson? Yeah, I'm here, what's the rush?"

     "A little bird told me you were in cahoots with Annabel, That true or are the birds lying to me again?"

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