Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Danny was in the process of trying to calm his wife down when he received a phone call telling him he needed to go to the club urgently. He huffed and ended the call, turning to face his wife.

“Stay here, I’ll be back in a while and we’ll finish talking about this later,” he ordered.

She had been going mental about Sasha and was determined to go and have it out with her but Danny couldn’t let her do that. She didn’t need the stress in her condition and as far as he was concerned it wasn’t their business it was between Joey, Jon and Sasha.

“Why where are you going at this time of night?” She asked angrily.

Danny ignored her and walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, but when she threw something at him he spun around, storming over to her.

“It’s a good job you have a shit aim because if that had hit me, you would know about it girl!” He threatened.

Lucy crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, it wasn’t right that her husband should be leaving the house so late at night without an explanation and she wasn’t standing for it. They were equals in their marriage and it was high time he realised it.

“I’ll ask you again, where are you going?” She demanded.

Danny smirked at her, it was quite sexy hearing his wife ordering him around, but as sexy as it was she needed to learn her place. No one questioned him, not even her.

“It doesn’t concern you, Lucy you’re holding me up so if there is nothing else I’ll be back in a while,” he told her, he turned to face the door and opened it but she was right behind him.

Danny walked towards his car and got in, he looked at his wife who was standing on the doorstep looking as though she wanted to throttle him, “If you move off that drive, don’t bother getting into bed with me!” She screamed.

He chuckled at her, she really thought he was going to sleep on the sofa. He started the engine, and smirked at her as he drove off the drive and sped off. Lucy slammed the door, she knew he wouldn’t give in to her demands, It was Danny all over, he took orders from no one and that wasn’t about to change.

Deciding it was easier to go bed and try and get some rest before the court case she walked into the bedroom and turned the light off. She had only been in bed five minutes when the door knocked she smirked to herself, maybe he had taken her threat seriously after all.

She slipped out of bed, pulling her gown on and trudging to the front door. When she opened the door she was shocked to see Joey, “What are you doing here?”

He looked around and then nodded at her asking if he could come in, she opened the door and he slipped in past her, “I haven’t got much time, I need to get out of here!” He told her in a panic.

Lucy frowned at him, wondering just what it was he was so panicked about, “What’s wrong?”

“Haven’t you heard?” He asked in surprise.

She didn’t need to answer that though, he could see from the confused look on her face that she had no idea what he was talking about. He told her to sit down and she started to panic why did she need to sit down, what was he going to confess to.

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