New Adventures

198 8 24

TW: Anxiety attack, overthinking

Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub.

Her heart was thumping, to where it felt like it was going to pop out of her rib cage. She was having trouble breathing, and she couldn't hear the voices of her surroundings because all she could hear was her heart beating, and her heavy breathing. Maybe the occasional screams and sneers in her head.

Akira was sobbing because she was nervous. Life had given her a second chance to prove to her grandparents that this generation could achieve far more accomplishments than what society deems them capable of, in order to make her parents proud of her.

She didn't want to leave America, the country she'd always wanted to be in when she was a kid. She'd been there before, and she wanted to replace the terrible memories there with happy ones.

But while a fresh start in Japan thrilled her, being a part of an exchange program at Tokyo University for Electrical Engineering, made her nervous, even though she was staying there for the summer and fall semesters. Although she was part Indian, she also knew the Japanese way of life, having grown up with a Japanese dad. She dedicated time to learning Japanese from apps, watching anime, reading manga, familiarizing herself with Japanese cuisine, and the train schedules.

Sitting at one of the boarding gates in Newark Liberty International Airport waiting for the flight to reach the boarding gate, she started overthinking. She used to do this often whenever she was going to do something monumental. Giving her SATs, undergrad, when she was about to start her new job, taking the GRE and TOEFL exams, grad life, and now, this habit of overthinking didn't seem to end.

"I'm so different from them. They'll look at me weirdly and start judging me because I don't look like them. What if the teachers target me and this affects my grades? What if that affects my chances of succeeding in life? What if I fail and that will cause Naniji to be happy about my failed accomplishment? Gosh, what if I end up seeing him again? What if I end up falling in love and become heartbroken all over again? Ugh. I'm not ready for this, I'm not...."

"Excuse me, beautiful?"

She turned towards the direction of the seat next to her, hearing a voice that was so calming and provocative even, that she was a little bit stunned at his looks.

She looked at this man from top to bottom, wearing black trousers, a white shirt, and a loosened red tie. His hairstyle seemed rather unique, almost looking like that of a rooster. He handed her his handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I don't mean to cry like a baby and embarrass myself, eh..." Wiping her tears off her face, her eyes still appeared visibly puffed.

"That's okay. You're probably going through something monumental to break down while they've already announced the boarding for the flight. Don't worry, I'll wait for you because I'm also heading that way."

"Boarding? Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, I have to leave. Wait, where's my purse? Where are my handbags? Where are my..." "They're all here between us," he chuckled and pointed to the bags that were kept between their two seats. He helped her pick up the bags, and they headed to the boarding gate together and onto the plane.

"Oh haha," she chuckled. "I'm so sorry. I'm heading to Tokyo for a semester exchange program and I'm super nervous, rather really overwhelmed. If things go well, I wouldn't mind moving to Japan after I'm done with my Masters. But, I've just been worried over a couple of things. Ugh, I don't know how people will look at me, the color of my skin, my facial features, my personality, my academic performance..."

"Well, from what I see, you're one of the most beautiful women I've seen," he smiled, a pink blush visible on her cheeks. "And confident too." Confident? Really? You just saw me crying my eyes out. "And you're probably very smart, too. What major will you be studying?"

"Electrical Engineering. I want to be the first female engineer in my family. My grandparents, as much as I love them, don't meet eye to eye on certain issues, one of them being that they believe that women belong to the kitchen alone and nowhere else and I wanted to prove them wrong. I was studying at a top-notch American University, working on certain technological aids and their application in particular in sports and how to help athletes develop themselves better.

No sooner did I complete a year of my Masters than I was accepted for an exchange program at The University of Tokyo because they have a similar program and I'd get to work with some of the best professors and hopefully some of the best athletes. I plan on staying there for six months. Well, make it seven, because I want to explore all of Japan before I leave," she laughed confidently. The bedhead-haired man saw the change in her demeanor, confidence suddenly oozing out of her, thereby prompting a smile on his face.

He had had an endless week before this. As a part of the Economic Supply Service Department of the promotion division of the Japanese Volleyball Association, he was to ensure that there were more opportunities to sponsor the team, so he traveled around, shooting some commercial videos for the team.

This made him exhausted, and to a point where he was running out of ideas, but he kept staring at her in awe of her want for success, her love for science, and her adventurous heart. That brought him a lot of relief. He needed someone to share his burdens with. Maybe she could be the one?

Upon walking through the aisles, they realized that they were going to be seated together in the business class wing of the aircraft. She is in the window seat, he in the aisle. She realized how blessed she was because she booked the seat with the money that she'd saved while working as a Research Assistant.

"Man, this feels so comfy," she added, "I love these seats. The economy seats hurt my back badly and this is a welcome change." "Haha, I know. By the way, we never really got to introduce ourselves to each other," the dapper-looking man replied.  "We're seated together for a long time and you're a cool chick. Might as well get to know each other?"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid that I didn't get to introduce myself," she replied.  "Also, who are you calling a cool chick? You look like a stud, no less. I'm Yōki. Akira Yōki."  While they shook hands, her eyes widened as she heard his name. Where did she hear it before? "Kuroo. Tetsurō Kuroo..."

A/N: Howdy everyone! Welcome to "Lights Down Low." This is my first fanfic, so I'm very nervous about this, so I hope y'all give this a chance and I'd also appreciate whatever feedback y'all share! :) don't forget to vote and comment on the chapters. ❤️

Number of words: 1151

Lights Down Low (Adult Tetsurō Kuroo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now