Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too (A. Flashback #1)

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2nd November 2013
Berkeley, California

" Take my hand, take my whole life too,
Oh for I can't help falling in love with you"
I just finished my midterms, which went very well. My expectations were that it would be difficult to adjust to a new education system, but I'm doing fine. Thanksgiving was fast approaching. I had to start packing because I was going to spend a week with my Indian relatives in Austin.

I saw a poster on my apartment's bulletin board that said a dance competition was on campus for the 2nd of December as I was about to leave for Chick Fil A. The event will take place a week and a half before the finals, so I can handle it.

Winners would receive a cash prize of $2000! I want to use the money wisely. I could register, but they said I needed a partner, and the theme was "Angst in Love." Huh, I just have the perfect song.  I just hope the partner I have in mind says yes.

"No, Akira." Iwaizumi said when he had come over while I was packing. "I may be athletic, but I'm not a dancer."

"Iwa-chan, please," I pleaded. The dance was perfect for me, and I was even willing to train him. Closing my suitcase, I walked towards him. "I have been trained in contemporary, salsa, jive, waltz, Bollywood, hip-hop, etc., for years. I am willing to teach you. I can assure you that we will manage the study time efficiently.

In addition, we'll each receive a cash prize of $2000, wouldn't that be great? Plus, I'd like to get to know you better and this seems like a great opportunity. Please, Hajime. Pleaseeeeee?"

"I must deal with another Oikawa?" he groans and rolls his eyes. "Fine. I will help you!"
"Hey, whoever that Oikawa is, I'm much better than him!" Hajime laughed in what seemed like ages. He thought, "Man, she's adorable."

Akira continued, "So the theme is Angst in Love and the song is Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman."

Hajime raised his hands. "I give up."

"But why?" "It's too romantic for me."

"Oye, let me explain why I like the song and the theme. What's your family like, Iwaizumi?" "Huh?"

"Can you tell me a little about your family background?"

Trigger warning: mentions of physical abuse

"My father met my mother when he went to Manila for a business trip. He was a hard worker all his life, having been the CEO of a company at a very young age, despite being born well off. He didn't want to rely on his parents' money.

When he told his parents that he loved my mother, they were against it because she was so different from him economically and culturally. They defied all odds and got married, but the abuse he suffered for holding on to love still affects him to this day. He would avoid showing affection towards me because he always resisted it in his past."

The physical abuse Hajime experienced as a child was evidently difficult for him to talk about. "It was, it was hard. To be told I was not good enough and to be told that I'd never get girls' attention. I didn't care for it, but the way my father brought me up had his past ingrained and so he didn't treat me right.

He wants me to marry someone whose family will help his company grow. However, I don't want to live under his shadow. I'm done. I would like to do something related to sports. I want to become an athletic trainer. I have my own plans for the future... what happened?" Hajime paused as I continued to stare at him while he spoke.

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