My Rock, My Fountain, Mon Amour (A. Flashback #3)

17 3 12

2nd December, 2013

(Third person POV)

"Ma'am, before you say anything, can I share a story? I promise you it'll be worth your time."

"Sure." The judging panel nodded.

"I've been through a lot in life," Hajime explained. "My parents are not the best when it comes to expressing affection. However, I had 2 things keeping me sane. Volleyball and Tōru Oikawa, my best friend. In high school, when I was playing volleyball at the school level, he and I were a great team. He's the best partner I could've had and the best setter I've known.

However, there was one thing about him that irked me. Girls gave him attention, especially because he was handsome. I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve it, but on the other hand, it made me feel very insecure of how I looked and how I was as a person. When we lost our last volleyball semifinals match in high school, that question became ever more poignant. How could I call myself the ace of the team if I couldn't lead my team to victory? I certainly didn't feel good enough."

She stood there and listened to her crush vent his heart out in a way she didn't expect. She didn't know he was holding this much pain in his heart. If only she could hold him right now.

"Cut to August 2013, when I first saw her," Hajime continued, pointing at Akira, "I was initially glad to have met someone who's not fully Japanese, 'cause it helped make me feel at home. When I got to know her more, I realized that she's gone through worse situations than I have, yet her confidence in her God, herself and her abilities, and her inner strength drew me more towards her. "

His eyes had slowly become moist, because he was about to explain the moment he felt he was special. "There was one day, during the dance practices, Oikawa had called. While he was teasing me for being close with a girl, upon seeing Akira, being the playboy that he was then, he flirted with her.

But she rejected him, saying that he's not her type and she only had her eyes on a certain someone, and looked at me. The not so good looking one. Me! Until that moment, I never really felt valued. But when she looked into my eyes, conveying the message, that is when I fell in love with her." Silence was felt across the room. Akira's eyes had become moist as well, not expecting a long confession from him.

"Through the dance practices we had, I realized that she touched all the places in my mind where I didn't feel confident, and has helped me be more sure of my goals while she's out there pursuing hers. So, as a token of appreciation and an act of declaration of love towards her, I kissed her in the performance. We didn't even plan for it to happen. We didn't practice it. I'm truly sorry if it went against any rules unofficial or otherwise, but I felt that the time was appropriate and should things take a wrong turn, I'm ready to take the full responsibility." he shrugged.

The judges were stunned. It was rare that a nineteen year old young boy seemed too sure of how he had felt for someone, but they were even more taken aback when they learnt that he was willing to risk it all, for her. It was clear that their performance was the best, and the extra points could certainly make them win. The judges had to make a decision.

After calling all the contestants, Mrs. Watson finally answered smiling, "Hajime and Akira, there was a unanimous agreement amongst us judges, you guys truly were the best and therefore the winners of the competition," The thunderous roar of applause was heard again. Hajime and Akira hugged each other, crying in gratitude, not realizing how big a step this would be in their relationship.  "Akira," Mrs. Watson again interrupted while awarding the cash prizes, saying ,"if you love him as well, please treasure him. He's a really good kid."

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