Change of Plans

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"Kuroo, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine," Akira refused.

"I'm serious, though," Kuroo replied. "I wish I could take you home. Help you relax a little before you go. You know, get accustomed to the time zone? But I want you to feel comfortable. I can still give you a ride to Yachi-chan's apartment, or I can take you to my place. Either way, you've got to rest well and get all your formalities done since it's the weekend."

"Well, how about I go to them?," Akira suggested. "It'll allow me to bond with them. I hope that's okay."

"It'll be more than okay. I can drop you home. You can come over next time." Dang, he drinks his "respect women," juice lol.

"Okay, let me text them. Thank you so much!!"

New friends in Japan

Akira: Hey, so we're about to reach Japan. Can't wait to meet you guys!! I also met this guy on the plane? Do you all know Tetsurō Kuroo?

Ryū: ugh, so you met one of the city boys, eh!? I hope he wasn't behaving like a playboy with you. I know we haven't met yet, but I'm already feeling the need to protect you.

Kiyoko: Ryū-chan!! She's more than capable of handling herself. Yes, I know of him. Ryuu used to play against Nekoma in a lot of matches, and Kuroo-san was the captain. Why did you ask? Is everything okay?

Akira: Yes, yes. I met him at the airport. He's sitting next to me in the flight. Sure, he gave that impression of a playboy, but we talked and bonded. He's willing to drop me off at Hitoka-chan's place. He seems nice. I'm guessing you'd be okay with that, Hitoka-chan?

Hitoka: Um, yes, sure. It's just that my boyfriend would come over and stay the night and I don't know how comfortable he'd be seeing a new person living in the new apartment. Like, had you told me earlier, I'd have told him to come later.

Akira: OMG, you've got a boyfriend?? That's so cool! Also, that's totally okay.

Kiyoko: So, he's finally coming over, huh? It's about time that you took your relationship to the next level! You guys are not in high school anymore! Pace it up a little.

Ryū: Wait, Yacchan, you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend? Is he from Karasuno too? Wait. Is he who I think he is? Don't tell me he finally asked you out....😮

Hitoka: Yes, haha, it's Tadashi... He finally got the guts to ask me out. I'm assuming he used Tsukishima-kun's help.☺️ I'm surprised Kiyoko-san didn't tell you, Ryū-san?

Ryū: No, not really. If he hurts you, though, I swear I'll punch him so bad. Kiyoko darling, I'm sure there must have been a good reason for their relationship to be under wraps.

Kiyoko: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, Ryū. You'd graduated then, they'd got together in their third year of high school. As it was the start of something new they needed to figure out how this relationship would work out, 'cause they were graduating. Plus, if others spread around the news of the captain and the manager dating each other, it would've been a major issue for them. That's why only Kei-kun and I knew about this.

Ryū: That's okay, darling. I remember him feeling shy around Hitoka-chan, and telling us that he found her cute. I'm really happy for them. But, babe, let's try not to hide anything from now on, okay? We're married now.

Hitoka: *blushes* Speaking of which, Yōki-san, what would you do now?

Akira: Well then, I'd stay with Kuroo overnight, if that's okay with him?
Yes, I just asked him, he's okay with it. I'll stay with him for the night, then ask him if he's free to help me get some formalities done.
I'll probably see you guys at lunch?

Hitoka: Sounds perfect. Maybe Kuroo-san could drop you at our apartment and we can then have lunch with the Tanakas? They're coming over so you'll get to meet them. Plus, you'd meet my boyfriend too.
Please be careful though. Can't wait to see you! Also, I'm terribly sorry for the change of plans.

Akira: Sure sure!!! I shall be careful. Can't wait to see y'all soon!!

Ryū, Kiyoko, and Hitoka: Y'all???

Akira: Sorry! I've gotten used to the Southern accent in America haha.

"So, umm, Kuroo, my roommate will be busy tonight. Is the offer to stay at your place still up for grabs?," Akira blushed and asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Kuroo smirked.


21st May 2021.

7:30 pm

The flight had reached Tokyo, and Akira immediately took out her phone to capture pictures of the view. Then, Kuroo took out his phone to take pictures of his view - Akira and the window.

"Kuroo, kiss me again?" Akira requested with excitement in her eyes, turning her head towards him.

"Wow, someone misses my lips, hmm?" Kuroo replied.

"Stop it!" She responded by tapping his arm and blushing. "Well, when we kissed during takeoff, I didn't have to put on earplugs, because all I could hear was us kissing, and it made me feel better. So can we kiss again while landing? Please?" Akira made puppy eyes at him.

He couldn't say no to her. "Okay, fine. I will, I will..." Their lips met each other again in a frenzied passion like never. Since the time they last kissed their exes, they couldn't feel the passion when kissing other people. But then kissing each other? It felt special. It felt different. Time stood still. They needed this moment to break free from their past, but the more they kissed, the exes' images and their voices popped in their head.



They immediately pulled back, not only because they'd landed, but also because of the unwanted images and voices in their heads.

"Are you okay? Did you get triggered?" They both asked in unison. "Yeah, I think I did..." they replied in unison, too. It would've been a funny sight to see them blushing and feeling mortified at the same time.

"Well, then, Akira. Welcome to Japan. I hope you love it here." Kuroo kept looking into her eyes and speaking with her.

"Thank you, Kuroo. I look forward to making the most of my time here," she replied with a tinge of blush on her cheeks. A new life was waiting for her. She was curious, however, whether he was gonna be by her side to experience it all?

Number of words: 1105
A/N : Sorry for a seemingly short story, my brain's running out of ideas to continue the story 😅. However, I'm so in love with Kuroo that I hope this works out. 😁

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