Fireflies, Loyalty and Compassion - 1

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5th June 2021

Akira's POV

The first few days of UTokyo life passed by like a breeze for me. Hatoyama-sensei has made it easy for me to what he was researching on. Having Kenma as a classmate was honestly a blessing. Yes, he's graduating soon, but he's been of great help so far. really intelligent, and helpful too. Though, he can be a real brat at times.

Being friends with Kuroo was quite hard, but I've been loving getting to know him. We did something every day since the volleyball game. Brunching with him, Bokuto and Akaashi, study night with Kenma, with Kuroo sponsoring us snacks, me helping him with some presentations before his meeting, and karaoke on Friday. He's been a blessing so far. But, I'm having difficulty opening up to him. Yeah, I'm still attracted to him and all, but trusting him with my heart? Yeah that will take time.
Anyway, in the morning before I went to university for my research work, I decided to bake some strawberry shortcakes that I thought I would have by the evening. I asked Hitoka-chan to check on the baking once it had been placed in the oven.

After I finished my work for the weekend, Hitoka sent me a message to meet her and Tadashi outside the university, as they were going to an open-mic night organized by the Sendai City Museum. I guess they thought I could use a break from the strenuous schedule and experience nightlife in Japan for a change.

We lived close to the university, so I didn't have to travel far to get home. After showering, I changed into blue jeans, brown boots, and a white half-sleeve shirt with black designs on the sleeves.

 After showering, I changed into blue jeans, brown boots, and a white half-sleeve shirt with black designs on the sleeves

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As I was leaving the apartment, I noticed that the strawberry shortcakes were baked, covered, and set aside. There was a note on the side of it, saying,

You have to take this with you to the café. We will introduce you to someone who likes strawberry shortcakes. He'll love it, and hopefully, you. ;)"

I found Hitoka staring out of the window of a beige color Toyota Prius car as I walked to the university with the strawberry shortcakes. After getting in the car, I find Hitoka and Tadashi listening to different genres of music, and they were asking me to suggest some Hindi songs since we have a long way to go to reach Sendai City Museum.

It was exciting to involve them in my world, and I had just the playlist to do it. One of my favorite songs came to mind at that very moment:

Lights Down Low (Adult Tetsurō Kuroo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now