Heart of Glass, Mind of Stone

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"Isn't it lovely, all alone • Heart made of glass, my mind of stone  Tear me to pieces, skin to bone • Hello, welcome home..."


Kyōtani then turns to Iwaizumi and curiously asks him, "Iwaizumi-san, how's Shiori-san?" Oh god, now he's gonna say that she's fine. They're married, they have kids...

Iwaizumi's next few words would shock me. "Oh, umm, Kyo-chan, actually we were to be engaged, but then she called it off."

Huh? Did Shiori really call off the engagement?

Kyōtani's expression turned solemn to hear this news from his senpai."Oh, that's sad," he remarked, genuinely concerned for his well-being, "I'm really sorry. I hope you're doing okay."

Hajime shook his head in response. "No, that's okay. We're still good friends. After all, she was a Seijoh girl."

Wait, Shiori was in Seijoh as well?

Iwaizumi continues, matter-of-factly," Also, she's happy now, that's what matters. I mean she's got what she initially wanted all along," shrugging his shoulders. I was puzzled by his answer.

"How do you say so, Iwaizumi-san?" Kyōtani raised an eyebrow.

"Because she's married to Oikawa. They eloped sometime ago, not telling anyone. Until I found out of course."

Wait. WHAT? Tooru married her? 

So, you're telling me that all this while, there's a time I could've had a chance with Hajime, but this was hidden from me?

(Trigger warning: OC's having an anxiety attack)

I involuntarily opened my mouth and covered it with my hands, causing the books I was holding, to fall down. Thankfully, only Iwaizumi was the one who turned his gaze towards me, his eyes widening that I heard all of this. Soon, I noticed that a familiar hand squeezed one of my palms to calm me down. I look up to see it was Kei. He didn't leave my side even after seeing me lose my mind just now.

"Text Kuroo-senpai," Kei says, softly but sternly. "You need to be mentally here, with the Sendai Frogs. With Kogane. With Kyōtani. With me. Excuse yourself, call him. I'll be waiting." While I do tell sensei that I'm coming back in some time, I wasn't aware that Kei's countenance adorned a saddened expression as he looked at my shadow trailing.

I frantically run to the ladies' restroom and call Kuroo, because I need to process what I just heard. My breathing turns heavy, yet again, my heart feeling like coming out of my chest.

(Trigger warning ends)

No sooner than I started to grit my teeth to compose myself than Kuroo picks up the phone.

"Hey, baby I will...babe? Are you okay?" I swear his voice is beautiful. 

The trembling in my voice gave away my current state of mind. I softly ask him, "Tetsurō, are you busy?"

Sensing that I was in need of a voice of reason, a calming voice in the midst of the storm, he replies."Give me a couple of minutes, babe. Guys, I'll be right back, an important call has come for me."

After what felt like an eternity, but was only a couple of minutes, I hear his familiar voice. "Hey baby, I'm here."

I was confused. "Did you just pause your work for me?"
Kuroo replied softly, in a calm voice, "No, babe. Actually, Kenma, my Nekoma team, and I were playing a multiplayer game. I, however, excused myself out of it so that I could talk to you. You're important to me, and if you're having trouble coping, let me be there for you, come what may." As I was holding my knees to my chest while sitting on a nearby stool, how was this something I needed to hear? 

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