2:: part of somthing new

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The day was almost up when a girl walks up to you. "Here mr. Kim would like for you to finish this and give them to him tomorrow morning." She says and then hands me a stack of paper work. "Thank you." I said and she bows slightly and walks away.
I look at the stack and yawn thinking about all this work I'm gonna have to do when I get home. I was working on the paperwork when a man walks out of the big office room. He was tall and had a handsome figure and his hair draped over his face with such caution

His eyes land on you as he walks over to the elevator the whole way he keeps his gaze on you without breaking until it is necessary

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His eyes land on you as he walks over to the elevator the whole way he keeps his gaze on you without breaking until it is necessary.
    Once he gets on the the elevator you feel the tension of the room lift. And someone's glare on you. You try not to look up hoping that whoever it was would just leave you alone.
      But you were sadly mistaken. "Yah!! New girl! Try and keep your eyes to yourself." Someone yells from across the room. "Hey! Jennie! Leave her alone!" Hobi says. "Stay out of this hoeseok. This doesn't concern you."
          She warns as she glares back at you. "Why don't you get back to work?" I said. "What? Are you telling me what to do?" She asks. "Yes, I am." I said as I look back down at my work. "And just who do you think you are???" She says as she gets up.
             "Sit down honey. You might get a nose bleed" I said sarcastically. She the bangs her fist on the table. "Who are you to talk to me this way!!! You just wait until Taehyung gets back! He's gonna fire you!!!" She says. I roll my eyes and look at her.         
           "He should fire you. I mean you're loud and annoyed I mean I can't even hear myself think with you over there yapping." I said as I wrote something down on the paper laying in front of me.
        "Why you little bi-" before she could finish she was cut off by someone clearing their throat. My eyes followed the noise and meet the eye of the man from before.
        "What in the hell is going on in here?" He said as he rubbed hi temples. "The new girl is making fun of me OPPA!!!" She said as her high pitched voice made my ear ring.
     "Hey! New girl. Is it true?" He said and my eyes shift from him and her. "No." I said. "Then get back to work." He said coldly and pushes Jennie to the side almost making her fall.
"Wow y/n. No one has ever stood up to Jennie like that and got away with it." Hobi says. "Yeah I just got luck I guess." I said.

After work I walk down and see that Irene left a note for me.

Sorry y/n something came up and I had to cancel. We can go tomorrow after work though if you are still on. I hope your first day was great! See you tomorrow!
Love Irene.

I turn to walk about but hear someone run up behide me. "Hey! Y/n! Wait up!" I turn to see Hobi running after me. "Hey Hobi." I said and smile at him. "How did you like your first day?" He asked.
        "It was interesting I'll give you that but I made two new cool friends so I think it was pretty good." I said. "Can I walk you home?" He asks in a shy and cute way. "I would like that."  I said and smile to him.
As we made our way down the street back to my apartment me and hobi were chatting and Having a good time. Then we reach my apartment.
"Thank you for walking me back home. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I smiled at him. "No problem. Have a nice night y/n." He said as he smiled and then waved as he walked away.


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