6:: late

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As I walked out of mr. Kim's office I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, as if I was nervous for some reason. I knew that I was going to be late for coffee with everyone tonight but I hope I won't be too late.

I see Jungkook and for some reason my worries instantly go away. He smiles at me and I return it. "Hey Jungkook. How is your first day?" I ask. "Pretty nice actually, and you how's your new job treating you?" He asks. "It's a bit weird but I'll manage." I say.

Time skip
I was working on the paperwork that mr. Kim had given me and was almost finished when I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:00 I sigh out of frustration and hurry to finish.

Once I was on the last page and it was finished I got up and walked into mr. Kim's offices. The lights were off and it was hard to see if he was sitting at his desk.

"Mr. Kim?" I say quietly, I was about to back out of his office when I did I felt someone behind me blocking my way. "Call me Taehyung." He says in a deep voice. "Umm I finished the paperwork sir." I say as I turn to look at him. The moon light hits only his eyes.

"Thank you. You may go now, but tomorrow be here early, you're coming to my meeting." He says as he pushes me softly out of his way. I turn and walk out hoping he won't say anything more.

I quickly rush to get my things and rush to leave the building. I look at my watch as I leave and start speed walking down the street. I can't believe that I am this late. Then it just me.

I have to go to the hospital too. Crap I'm gonna have to quickly sit and chat then leave. As I arrive I look at the place to make sure I'm in the right spot.

Once I'm sure I make my way in, I look around and see Jungkook sitting at a table alone with a coffee and his phone out. I sigh and walk over to him.

     "Hi." I say softly and he looks up at me and smiles softly. "Hi." He says softly back at me. "I'm sorry that I'm late mr. Kim had me stay late to finish up some work." I say as I sit down. "It's fine, Jhope said he felt sick and left and Irene said she needed to make sure he was ok so she left as well." He said.

      "But you stayed here, alone waiting for me?" I said. "Yea I guess I did, I just wanted to see you again." He says as he looks down. "I wanted to see you too.." I said and I look down embarrassed. " would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" He says which makes me shoot my head up.

     "Why?" I say. "I want to get to know you better, and because when I see a pretty girl I ask her out." He says.  "So I'm a pretty girl then?" I say as I smile. "Yes you are a pretty girl." He says "well thank you." I say. "So tell me a little about you." He says

     "Well.. what would you like to know?" I ask. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asks "yes just one, it didn't work out. He didn't like what I did for a living at the time." I say.

     "What did you used to do?" He asks. "I used to work at a club." I said. "Wow, I didn't see you as a club girl." He says. "So what do you do mr. big shot?" I say sarcastically and he giggles.

     "I'm a model." He says. "Oh.. that's way better than a club worker." I says as I laugh. "Yea I guess, Taehyung gives me a temporary job whenever I come back in town and then once I leave he gives my spot back to who have it before." He says

     "Kinda like how he's doing now with you." He says. Before I can say anything more my phone starts buzzing I look and see my brother has texted me. I open my phone and respond to him.

I look back up at Jungkook

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I look back up at Jungkook. "I'm sorry but I have to get going, my mom is in the hospital and I have to go sign papers in order for her to stay there." I say as I get my things and get up.

"Well it's getting dark, I'd feel bad if I let you go around town by yourself. I mean you don't even have a car." He says which is far and he was right. I think about it for a while and then look back up at him.

"You can come with if you'd like." I say and he softly smiles. "Yea, we can take my car. I also wanted to say sorry to hear about your mother." He said as he grabbed his jacket.

"Yea she had a heart attack and needa surgery so she can't leave until she gets it or else it could get worse." I say as we walk out to his car. "I'm sorry to hear that, I hope she gets better." He says as we reach his car and he opens the door for me. "Thank you." I say as I smile and he smiles back at me.

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