31:: love me

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            "I love you Kim y/n.."

I wake up to the sun hitting my face... what was yesterday?

   After taehyung had said that I went silent, I think he might have been too into the moment.. I mean why would he say that?

   Does he really love me?

   After that we just went out to dinner, came back and watched a movie. We didn't talk about what he said.

    I look over at him, he's still fast asleep, his face looks so perfect and flawless still.

   It's unbelievable how beautiful this man is, and why he would like someone like me. I was a nobody. I can give him anything he would want.

   I can't provide for him, I can't fulfill his needs and wants. I can't be a strong business mans wife like how he is expecting me to be.

   I ran my fingers along the sides of his face. Tracing his cheekbones with my finger.

    I saw how detailed ever part of his face was. It's like looking at a sculpture, crafted to perfection.

   All of a sudden taehyung opens his eyes and grabs my wrist and pulls me on top of him.

   I look down at him and he smirks and kisses me lovingly. "Good morning y/n." He says almost coldly.

   " how did you sleep?" I ask him. "I slept well." He says as he breaks eye contact with me.

   "That's good... umm taehyung?" I say. "Yes?" He says. "Can we talk about something?" I ask him. "What is it?" He asks, his tone changes to almost annoyed.

   "About what you said.." I say. "What did I say?" He asks. "That you love me." I say and he still doesn't even look st me.

    "Let's talk about how you didn't say it back." He says changing the subject.

"W-well I wanted to be sure that's what you said. And it was out of nowhere." I said trying to not blush.

"It's fine y/n, to be honest I think I only said it because of the heat of the moment." He says as he kisses my cheek and rolls me over and gets up.

"So? You didn't mean it?" I ask. "I mean I like you, I like you a lot but..." he says as he puts on a shirt and changes his pants.

"But?" I say as I sit up to look at him. "But I don't think I love you." He says in almost a whisper.

"Oh.." I say as I look away from his figure and try and think of something else.

How could he stand there and tell me that? I loved him and he's just going to pretend he doesn't notice. I felt my heart rip into two.

Was I not good enough? "Yea, well get ready, I have a plan for the day." He says.

   "What's that?" I ask. "we are gonna go and surfing." He says and I look at him with wide eyes. "OMG! Really!!" I say as I get up and look at him.

   "Yea, get your suit on." He says with a smile. I smile really big and go put my suit on.


      Once we get the the beach spot I saw that there was beautiful waves just waiting to be surfed on. I'd never seen such a beautiful beach.

It was so peaceful, then again Taehyung rented it out so that we could use it.

We got our boards and started to make our way to the ocean

   Once we get out enough I look at Taehyung and see that he's already getting set for a wave.

   I smirk and look at the wave and get myself ready.

   The wave comes and me and Taehyung are fighting for the ride. He falls back and laughs.

   I catch the wave and ride it, I felt like I was invisible. The wave was pushing me fast into shore. Closer and closer we got.

   Then I jumped off and into the water. I come up out of the water and see Taehyung riding one too and I smile.

   I felt like today was pretty good, although I did feel a little defeated from the way Taehyung addressed the whole situation with last night.

    Was I not good enough to be loved by him? What was it about me that makes him feel that way?

   Why can't I be loved by him the way I love him...

   That's all I want, it to receive the same love that I give to him.. but I don't.. and I know he doesn't trust people like that but I just thought.. since we were married...

    Anyways... what does it even matter..

   He has to love me.. right? I mean why would he do all these things if he didn't..

     I love him too much for me to just leave it alone...


   Sorry I had to redo the ending because the original got deleted and I didn't like the ending.. hope y'all like the newest version haha 😆 love y'all ❤️!!!

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