Part::14 Somone I know

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Me and Taehyung walked into the party, he had his arm around my waist as he guided me through the crowd. We walked up to a door and he opened and walked through while still guiding me.

I looked around and saw lots of haft naked girls and men. It looked more like a club than a party.

Taehyung brought me over to a table with a man and woman sitting there. "Father, just wanted to let you know that I am here now." Taehyung said.

"Hello my son! Today is a good day, your mother has returned and you're getting married!" His dad said in a happy drunk tone.

"It's nice to meet you." A voice behind me said and I turned to see a woman. "I'm Taehyungs mother, Taehyung has told me nothing about you." She said in almost a rude way.

"Stop.." Taehyung said. "Oh well that's because me and him are newly out about our relationship.." I said

"Hmm well I would love to know a little bit more about you, I mean jin's wife was an amazing girl and you, well I'll have to get to know you first." She said. "Mother! Can you stop?" Taehyung said, I felt his hold on my waist tighten.

"Taehyung don't act like you're doing this because you love this girl!! You don't even know what love is." She said while giggling.

"I know more about it than you.." he replied. "We aren't going to start this again here Taehyung!" She said as she moved closer to him. "Please just leave." Taehyung says.

"So, what's your name anyway, since I am being shooed away." She said. "I'm y/n.." I said. "Y/n?" A voice behind the woman said. She moved over and my heart dropped once I saw who it was.

     "Dad?" I said.. "y/n, it's been so long." He said as he embraced me in his arms. "Let me go." I said as I push him away.

     "That's your daughter?" Taehyungs mom says. "Yes, how's everything y/n." He says. "Everything is great.." I say as I look away from him.

     "How's your brother?" He says. "I dont know, why don't you go ask him? He's at the hospital." I say in a sarcastic tone. Why does he think it's ok to talk to me....

     "I-is he hurt? What happened to him?" He asks. "Oh no Yoongi is fine, he's keeping your wife company." I say.

     His jaw clenches, "she's not my wife anymore, and what's wrong with her." He asked in a sarcastic tone. "She's still suffering from the shit you put her through." I said.

"I didn't do shit to her." He said. "Oh really so going off and sleeping with some slut and taking all that we had was nothing!" I said

"Hey watch your mouth bitch." Taehyungs mother said. "Oh, I see. She's the slut." I said. "Y/n stop." My dad said.

"You need to watch your mouth you little brat, your mother was nothing I knew her and I knew how she was with your father, so I did her a favor and took him off her hands." She said with a smirk.

"No, Your just a self centered hoe that couldn't keep her legs closed." I said. "How dare yo-" I cut Her off. "Let me stop you there, because I have better things to do than waste my time talking to you." I said then walked away.

I walked out of the room and over to the bar. F*ck her and f*ck him, the fact that he had the nerve to say those things about my mother.

I ordered a drink and sit at the bar, someone then sits down beside me. "Well that was interesting." He says. "Sorry, I didnt mean to make a scene like that. they just pissed me off." I said as I chug down a drink.

"No don't be sorry my mother needed someone to tell her that and your father.." he said as he slowly looked at me.

"He's a drunken slob." I said as I drank another one. "They are perfect for each other then." He said with a soft chuckle. I smiled softly at his comment.

"He hurt me, and he used to abuse my mom. Thats why she has so many problems. I just don't understand why he thinks he did nothing wrong..." I said as I chugged another drink.

"Hey, I'll never let him hurt you or your family again.. I promise.." he said as he put his hands on my hips to turn me to face him.

     Jungkook said that Taehyung never makes promises.. but he just did, he made it and he's going to keep it. I felt my heart skip a beat.

     After the roller coaster that I just went through in there I should be furious and want to leave.. but all I wanted was for him to kiss me...

     Why was I feeling this way? "You promise?" I said softly. "Yes, I promise." He said, his eyes slowly go down to my lips.

"Y/n.. maybe we shouldn't have come to this party.." he said. "Why?.." I said softly. "Because... All I want to do is leave this party and f*ck you.." he said with a smirk.

"What's stopping you?..." I said and then bit my lip. "My father will be angry with me if I leave." He said as he got closer to me.

"Who cares?" I said as I put my hand on his thigh to help me from falling. "Tell me you want me.." he said as our noses touch from how close we had gotten.

"I want you." I said. I felt his breath on my lips. I wanted his lips on mine so badly..

"Y/n, can I um.. speak with you for a moment." A voice said from behind us. I rolled my eyes and looked over to the voice and saw my father.

"I don't think she wants to speak with you." Tae said as he glared over at him.

"I wasn't speaking to you boy." My father said. "Watch your tone sir." Taehyung said.

"spoiled brat" my father said under his breathe but Taehyung heard and stood up. "Wanna say that a little louder you old drunk!" He said.

"Taehyung! Come here! I need to have a word." His mother said as she walked over to us.

" screw you, both of you. We are leaving." He said, then he turned and took my hand in his and helped me off the chair. He then wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me out.

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