22:: dress shoping

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    Today is the day.. the day I go shop for my wedding dress. Yay..

   I wasn't excited at all, I didn't ever see myself getting married, I didn't like the whole idea of it. I guess it was because I don't believe in all of that I love you, till death do us part, bullshit.

    Probably because ive seen how it all works out in the end, someone ends up hurt. I was trying to be put in a good mind set. But it was hard.

   I kept thinking about Taehyung and my skin started to heat up. Maybe I would be ok, but it's not like I love him like that.

I don't love him... at least I don't think I do... and even if I did just a little bit that wouldn't be enough to make me want to marry him.

I was on the way to the hospital to get my mom, her and my brother are gonna help me dress shop.

I know my brother isn't thrilled about it.

    Once I get there I see my brother and my mom already waiting for me at yoongis car. My mom is sitting in a wheelchair with Yoongi behind her.

   "Hey guys! Sorry I'm a little bit late I had to take a bus here." I said. "It's alright dear, let's get going so I can be back for bingo tonight." My mom says as she winks at me and laughs.

   Yoongi helps her into the car and shuts the door. "Soo.. when's the last time you saw your fiancé?" He asks.

   "Well we live together so it's not rare to see him... then again it's not rare for him not to come home." I say as I look down.

    "What do you mean? Where does he go?!" Yoongi says in a protective way. I knew what he was thinking.

   "It's not like that, he just goes to parties or stays over night at the office or just doesn't feel like coming home so he stays at a hotel that his family owns." I say.

   "I don't like him, you know the kind of person that him and his friends are." He says. "Yes yes I know but..." I say.

   "But what? But you just want to be used like a slut? Y/n I can't sit back and watch him use you, and I can't watch y'all pretend to be happy in front of mom, if she finds out she'll be torn." He says.

   "I'm doing this for her, she needs money for the surgery and he's willing to pay, just as long as I stay with him. But what if I do like him?" I ask.

   "Do you?" Yoongi says as he whips his head around. "Yes... I can't help it... he's just, special.." I say.

He rolls his eyes. "He's special all right." He says and I hit his arm. "Stop! I've dug myself too deep in this hole and I don't know what to do about it." I say.

"Ok ok, look he must like you since he's marrying you, but I wouldn't get to comfortable with him." He says.

Time skip.

We have been to multiple dress stores, none had anything I liked. Then I get a text from Jungkook saying that I should come to his aunts shop, jeon bridle.

I tell yoongi and we start to make our way there. Once we get there I see that it's pretty big and cozy.

I saw in the window pretty dresses none that really fancied me but I'd have to see them on to be sure.

We walk in, my mom has a grin plastered on her face and my brother looks exhausted. We see a woman make her way to us.

"Mrs. Kim?" She says. "Yes?" I say. "We've been waiting for you, right this way." She says, we follow her into a back room, once the doors open I see multiple dresses that are way better than the one out there.

I felt a slight smile come to my face as I looked at all the pretty dresses. There was a couch and I front of it was a wall with a big mirror.

I saw someone sitting on the couch, a man. As we get closer I could see his figure more.

It was him... what is he doing here.

"Taehyung?" I say. He turns to look at me and his eyes met mine, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Hello mrs. Kim, I wanted to tag along." He says. "Oh Taehyung! My boy come give me a hug." My mom says. He walks over to her and hugs her.

"What are you doing Kim? You can't be here." Yoongi says. "Why not?" Taehyung says.

"You can't see her in her dress, it's bad luck." You go says. I see a slight smirk in Taehyung's lips.

"I couldn't help myself, I wanted to see how beautiful she was." He says as his eyes shift to mine. I felt my face get hotter.

"Well let's get to trying on some dresses then!" My mom says in an excited tone.

After about 30 minutes I find a few dresses that I really like. I try one after another and feel like I could find one here.

I tried two that I really like. Each time I come out Taehyung's eyes are glued onto me, looking me up and down.

His gaze made me nervous that I looked stupid in the dress.

"Hey y/n, I'm gonna take mom back to the hospital she's starting to doze off and I don't want to keep her out too long." Yoongi says.

"Ok, text me when y'all get there. See you later." I say.

I was trying to take off a dress that I had on when the zipper gets stuck. "Crap." I say under my breath. I try to pull on the zipper to get it undone but I can't.

Then I feel someone's hands ontop of mine, it was a mans hands. I look in the mirror and see Taehyung behind me.

He slowly unzips my dress. I turn around to face him, our noses almost touching. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Kim y/n, seeing you in this dress makes me feel some type of way." He says as he moves closer to me, I start to back up until my back hits the wall.

Taehyung puts up his hands on the wall trapped me between him and the wall.

"I would say that I prefer you with nothing on, but this dress brings out all your beautiful features." He says as he slowly kisses my neck.

I'm holding my dress up so that it doesn't slide off but I feel him tug at it and I almost let it fall.

"T-Taehyung..." I say in almost a whisper. He doesn't listen and keeps touching me up and down.

   "Taehyung- I have to keep trying on the dresses." I say. I feel a smirk grow on his lips.

   "Try them on in front of me." He says. I felt my cheeks heat up. "W-what?" I say. He pulls back and kisses me roughly.

   He pulls back and winks, "I actually already decided on t-the dress I want." I say and he looks at me in almost a confused way.

   "Oh really?" He says. "Y-yes so that means I don't have to try anymore on." I say as I push him back and out of the dressing room, I sigh as I shut the door behind him.

   I can't crack, I know exactly what type of man he is, I have to listen to what yoongi said. If I let him in he could possibly hurt me.

   I can't let that happen......
       But what if
What if I already like him too much.
      What if he's already been let in?

   What am I going to do now?.....


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter im going to try and keep this story updated so y'all don't have to wait anymore 😂 but I'm working on another one so please show that one some love once it is out🥺❤️
      Love y'all!!!

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