4 ✿ The Butterfly Effect | AdriannaRaines3172

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first impression: title, cover and description (14/15)

i've never passed by a book under this name, but when i searched in wp, there was a sea of books with the same name. apparently, it's a maths theory. i still like it tho!

the cover is amazing! actually, your whole account is amazing graphically. i like it.

the blurb is on point! very teasing but not spoiling.

the beginning of the book has many parts. i scrolled a lot until i reached the actual story bc in all honesty i wasn't interested in reading them, especially if the cast page had spoilers about the characters. i like to meet the characters through the story. this isn't a mistake, but I'd advise against this since it increases the parts of the story unnecessarily. when searching on wp, there's a filter for story parts count that you could be left out of.

✿ plot (17/20)

the plot is heavily inspired by pretty little liars. I've watched that show long ago, so i don't remember a lot of it, but i remember it was a good one.

i had yet to keep reading to see how similar your book is to it, to see how original you've gone. i was pleased with the changes you've made and the twists you've added. i also liked the scenes that proceeded every chapter, altho i would recommend making them shorter, more direct, since readers could get impatient before diving into the actual chapter. but that's just my opinion.

i'll keep reading the book and leave comments about the plot :)

characters (20/20)

your characters left a strong impression starting from their first appearances. i recognised april as ambitious yet shy, allison as arrogant and sly, maeve as thoughtless and so on. this is a great thing because it enbales the reader to recognise the character all along the story, especially in a mystery that will need to be solved by deciphering characters patterns.

i also like that you incorporated different races in your story. it's rare i find a story that does this interesting mix. heck, some even receive hate for writing about asian characters!

the dialogues felt natural and realistic too. human. they expressed the character's personality successfully.

✿ grammar (13/15)

grammar is mostly on point except for some spelling and prepositions errors you can easily overcome by using a proofreading app.

□ there were also some comma errors and over-usage. know when to end a sentence and not drag it on with commas. once you have subject + verb + object, end it.

□ you also need to use a comma when addressing someone directly.

□ you don't always enclose the quotation marks with the right punctuation mark too.

→ When you use a speech tag (said and anything in the meaning of it: whisper, mutter...), you enclose with a comma and the word after the quotation isn't capitalised.

e.g. "She is lovely," she said.

OR: She said, "She is lovely."

→ When you use something other than that, aka dialogue beats (a description of the physical action a character makes while speaking), you enclose with a period and the next word is capitalised.

e.g. "She is lovely." She nodded.

□ numbers of two digits and less are written out as words in literature. you can use the numerical system with three digits and more.

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