Part 3

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You're on the jet, reading the mission file to know everything about this Clint Barton. But you have something in mind that doesn't help you focus... Who is this mysterious female agent ? Could it be this Natasha Romanoff ? For a second you hope it could be her but you're also afraid. You can't remember anything before the past 10 years... why ?

The jet is about to get to the location, the agent tells you to be prepared. It lands so you get out and go inside the building where Clint as been seen for the last time.

You're there for 30 minutes now and you're searching for every hint Barton could've left before leaving. It's an old building with seven floors. You're at the third floor when you ear noises above you, maybe coming from the fourth or the fifth floor. You decide to go check.

You're at the fourth floor, it's empty. You can sense that someone's here, but don't know where. You go check the fifth floor. In the hallway you're very precocious, trying to be as more quiet as you can be. You approach an empty room, pointing your gun in front of you, prepared to every situation that can happen. In a second, you turn out being face to face with Barton aiming his bow and arrow at you:

- C: You don't want to do this kid, drop the gun and leave.

- Y/N: Hum... let me think... it's not gonna happen.

- C: Why are you here ?

- Y/N: You're my mission Robin Hood

- C: Well well, already nicknames ? I'm not used to go that fast but if you like it that way then...

He smirks at you putting his bow down. You look at him, not understanding what's happening when suddenly you feel someone behind you. You turn around quickly but you get hit really hard in the head, knocking you down.

Clint goes besides you, taking your weapons and giving them to his teammate:

- C: That kid is tough don't you think ?

His teammate doesn't answer, just standing there looking at you:

- C: Nat ? Are you okay ?

- N: Hum ? Yeah I'm okay

- C: You don't seem to..

- N: Do you think it could be her...?

- C: Who ? Y/N ? I don't know, maybe, maybe not.. Let's take her to the compound, Bruce and Tony will maybe find it out.

They get out of the building, Clint carrying you to their Quinjet. They tie you up so you can't move or attack them. 

* Do you start to get intrigued ? I hope so ! 

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