Author's Note~I HAS BEAN TAG-ED

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Ok. I am about to say the one thing that every person on WattPad hates.

This is not an update. *gasp*

So my good friend Fredabeth88 tagged me to do the 20 things about me tag.
I tag GinnyWeasley4Ever and like whoever reads this. Yeah real specific Lex. Real specific.
So here it is:

1. I love pasta. I could live off of it.

2. I absolutely love skiing.

3. My favorite hand sanitizer scent is either Orchid or Pink Peonies and Pears.

4. I ship Jily so hard that if in a fan fiction they didn't end up together I would cry. (That is not a hyperbole)

5. I ABSOLUTELY love writing and reading.

6. I wish I was a wizard at the very least once a day.

7. I am secretly a unicorn.

9. Doctor who is my life.

10. Harry Potter is also my life.

11. I have a signed copy of Blood of Olympus thanks to my irl friend.

12. My favorite sea creature is the otter.

13. Crocheting and knitting are so fun for me that one day when I am in a retirement home I will be the coolest person there.

14. I think that warm blankets in a freezing room are magical.

15. I love running hurdles.

16. I love robotics and programming and that stuff.

17. I think that being a geneticist would be a awesome job.

18. I can spell pretty good.

19. My favorite flavor of gum is the Extra Watermelon one cause it's just a amazing.

20. I despise anything carbonated unless it is sparkling cider or root beer.(am I the only one that winces when I drink fizzy stuff?)

21. (I know it is the 20 things about me tag not the 21 things about me tag)

I never even thought that 10 people would read my book. And even though it hasn't been that long and this book is so far from finished I just want to thank you all so much for sticking with me.


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