Chapter 6 - Snape

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So I'm bored. VERY BOARD!!!! So I'm gonna do a disclaimer now.

I detest the fact that I own any characters other than Amber and Juniper. If I didn't I would die by dozens of Harry Potter books.

24 reads on one chapter!!!!!

Anyone else find it incredibly hard not to type Liky for Lily?


Lily's POV
"Snape." I said, my voice cold.

"Lily! Please! I didn't mean it! You aren't like the others. You're so much better!" he begged.

"Yeah, better than you!"

"Lily please, just listen to what I have to say!" His voice was growing ever more desperate.

"There's nothing left to say, Sev. You're gonna be a Death Eater. That's something I can't accept. And how am I different?! What difference is there?! I'm just like every other muggle born that your lot torments and murders?" I turned to leave when he grabbed my arm.

"Lily you're different-because.... Because I love you!" He blurted, slapping a hand over his mouth.

I laughed icily, not looking back. "I'm sorry Snape, but I don't feel the same way. I don't even like you as a person. Now leave me alone. I've had my parents murdered by your 'lord', my friends turn against me because of them and overall had a sucky year. So help me I don't break your face too. So, stay away." I wrenched my arm away leaving the broken hearted boy to cry silently in the corridor. I don't even care anymore. He's gone too far.

"Um... Agh.. Train..." Potter stuttered nervously after finding me outside the DADA room.

"What?" I asked looking at him strangely. My eyes roamed over his handso-hideously ugly face.

He flung his muscu-totally wimpy arms into the air. "Gah! Why are you so bloody hard to talk to?!"

I laughed, grinning at him. "Go away, Potter! I'm done with the world."

He sighed, trudging in the direction of the train. I sprinted up to him, smiling softly. "I was kidding you big idiot!"

"Oh-OH!!! So, do you and you're friends wanna join the Marauders for the train ride?" He grinned.

"Yeah... Yeah...." I had become distracted, not noticing how he was gaping at me. His glasses...they're crooked....

I reached my hand up, my mind screaming at me in panic. I missed. Oh this is bad. I knocked his glasses off. I broke them. I stared at him in horror, my body rooted to the spot. I slapped his glasses off his his face.

Everything was playing in slow motion, even how he stared down at the broken glasses and him turning to look at me.

He opened his mouth, but closed it, repeating this several times. "You could've just said no." James' voice was scratchy and his eyes practically shouted shock. My day has gotten weirder, more confusing and ten times worse in like fifteen minutes.

I mentally slapped myself. HE THINKS I DID IT ON PURPOSE!!!!!

"Um, Evans why'd you slap yourself."

"Uh, no particular reason." Coughing awkwardly, I continued walking, only turning back to say "Well are you coming or not?" He blinked, staring at me in confusion, then scurrying after me, a bewildered look permanently etched on his ho-handso-attracti-disgusting face.

I'm so pathetic. I cried real tears of laughter while writing that. It was all in slow motion in my head with the dramatic Star Wars music playing. I'm still chuckling. I need to quit being random with this story.....

Well I hope that you had the same reaction as me, which was lying face first on the ground, slapping it while laughing hysterically...

I know. The last bit was weird. But what's life without a little random?

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