Chapter 16 - The Date

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Hi my lovely readers! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I just wanted to tell you that I am blown away by how many of you there are. This book has gotten a total of 1.54 k reads. All of the nice comments and support have shown me that wattpad is one of the best communities out there. <3

Thanks! I love you all! :)
Lily's POV

I straightened my dress. James was going to meet me at The Three Broomsticks at 1:00. It was currently 12:55 and I was hiding around a corner. My stomach was a cauldron full of flobber worms. I, Lily Evans, am going on a date with James Potter! I checked my watch again. The little hand was pointed at the 1.

I stepped out from my hiding spot and straightened my dress one last time. I walked into The Three Broomsticks and looked around. James rocketed from his seat in a corner and rushed towards me. ¨Lily! You look absolutely beautiful!¨ he grinned. I smiled back at him. He led me over to our table and pulled out my chair. He is being so sweet...

¨I ordered two butterbeers, I hope that's okay with you.¨ He said, his eyes hopeful. The smile on my face grew.¨Butterbeer is my favorite.¨ I said just as a young waitress, whose name tag read Rosemerta, placed two glasses in front of us.

I pulled one towards my, taking a sip. I smiled softly at the warmth that spread through me. It was a perfect drink for a fall day. James was watching me, his eyes full of mirth.

¨What?¨ I questioned. He smirked. ¨You've got some foam there.¨ He pointed at my lips. I quickly wiped away my 'foam-stache'.

~~~~~Later That Day~~~~~~

I laughed at the lame joke James just told. It was so bad it was funny. We were walking through Hogsmeade, browsing through the shops. James had his arm wrapped around my waist in a way that made me feel safe from all the evil that was currently in our world. James suddenly stopped. He pointed at a bright orange shop. ¨Can we please go in there? Please Lily!¨ he begged.

I groaned. Zonko's is the place to get prank supplies. ¨If we have to...¨ James promptly grabbed my hand and tugged me into the shop. We spent about fifteen minutes looking at things like dungbombs and trickwands. We left the shop and continued to walk down the streets. Finally we reached the shrieking shack, a supposedly haunted old house.

I shuddered. ¨This place always creeps me out.¨ James gave me an odd look. He opened his mouth but closed it, turning his gaze towards the trees. ¨James tell me! Please?¨

He turned towards me. ¨You know it's not actually haunted right?¨ he deadpanned. ¨That's where w-Remus goes .¨

My lips formed an 'oh'. ¨I guess that makes sense. It started seven years ago, and there are only noises coming from it on the full moon. I should have realized.¨

James smirked. ¨Lily did't know something! Lily didn't know something!¨ I gave him a playful shove. He stopped taunting me immediately. He tackled me to the ground, tickling my sides. I shrieked, laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

¨James!¨ I squealed, pushing him off me. I sprinted into the trees. I could hear his feet crunching behind me so I ran even faster.

After a minute or two I stopped, panting. James leaned against a tree and I joined him. ¨So you're ticklish.¨ he said, grinning at me.

¨Like you didn't know that after following me around like some deranged stalker!¨ I teased. He chuckled.

¨Hey, I got desperate.¨

¨That was obvious.¨ I snorted.

¨I didn't want to loose my chances with you.¨

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