Chapter 7 - Sorta-Kinda-Home

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Anyhoo... what a weird word...
Lily's POV
On the way to the train, we bumped into Juniper. She grinned, motioning towards James Potter. I rolled my eyes, pushing away the blush that crept up my checks and the butterflies in my stomach. She laughed, flinging her head back in a wave of dirty blonde hair.

"So you think the girls will feel about sitting with the Marauders?" I ask as I drape my arm comfortably over her shoulder. At five seven and a half, I'm not like super super crazy tall, but I'm the tallest out of my friends.

She grinned, her blue-gray eyes full of excitement. "They'll love it!" I grinned, giving a sideways glance to Potter. I stepped away from Juniper, watching as she gave me a thumbs up.

"So-er...James....?" I say.

"Yeah Lily?"

"Maybe, just maybe being friends wouldn't be so bad..." I say, my cheeks ablaze. I studied my shoes, noting that they were very very ugly.

He lifted my chin up, staring right at my eyes. "That would be great." I smiled, relief pouring through me. James Potter isn't all that bad. Even if he ruins everything and is an annoying idiot.

We reached the train soon enough, trying to find the compartment with our friends.

"Well woopdydoo." James huffs. We had checked every compartment on the front half of the train.

I attempt to stifle a giggle, but it escaped. Soon the giggle turns into a full blown laugh. By the time we find the right compartment I'm laughing breathlessly and clutching my sides. I lean on James for supporting, not knowing why I find the instance so funny.

James chuckles and slides open the door. Everyone stops and stares at us.

"What the?"Sirius mutters.

Marlene's confused smile turns into a grin."You're dating."

I gape at her, trying to find the right words to say.

"Friends. We're friends. For now." James says, muttering the last part under his breath. My brain is screaming awkward. I pretend I don't hear, smiling at Remus.

"Well, here we come, home." Marlene comments sadly.

"Here we come sorta-kinda home." I correct, trying not to cry.

I think that we're all going to miss Hogwarts this summer more than ever before. Next year is our last.

I sit down between Marlene and Alice, flinching when Sirius and James cram themselves into the space, shoving Marlene and Alice out of the way slightly. It's very cramped now.

My jaw drops when Marlene gets up and places herself on Sirius's lap, kissing his cheek softly. I knew they fancied each other I thought it was just a small crush. Woah. That's one way to make room...

"But-since when?" I splutter before my girly side kicks in. I stand up, kindly asking Marlene to stand up. She nods, giving me a secret smile.

I grab the front of Sirius's shirt, yanking him to his feet. Pointing my wand at his face I hiss at him. "If you ever, in any way hurt her Black, so help me I don't find out!" I fling him back into his seat, glaring at him fiercely.

"Mar! I'm so happy for you! You'll be so cute, just perfect!!" I squeal, hugging her. Returning to my seat, I can't help but laugh at the terrified look on the Marauder's faces. James edges away from me, staring at me like I'm about to rip his face off.

"Oh Jamsie dear, I don't bite! Well you can think that..." James crammed himself closer to Sirius and Marlene.

I giggle again, and pull out the book I'm reading. It's one of those cheesy love stories that girls hope will be their life. But hey I can dream can't I?

I sigh flicking through the pages. James glances at it, glaring at Sirius. I find my spot, settling into a comfy position. I blink. This is not my book. This is a bunch of photos... of me and my friends and well me screaming at James.

"Uh...Ali, Mar, Ju? A moment in the corridor please." I say shakily.

We all exit, confusion etched on the other girls faces.

"I'm being stalked. They've been watching! They're gonna kill me!" I hiss, pacing back and forth. Why does this happen to me? And how has it gotten weirder?!

James' POV

Ok.. I may have used magic to listen to them.

"I'm being stalked. They've been watching! They're gonna kill me!"


I turn around, pacing the door. I smile weirdly when Lily looks at me and waves, trying not to look terrified.

After a few more minutes of the girls whispering outside they return to their seats, except for Lily who sits down beside Remus and glares in my general direction.

"So, uh Potter. What exactly is this?" Lily says coldly.

"Back to a last name basis then Evans?" I snap.

"Well you've been stalking me! what kind of creep does that?! I mean really!" She screams. the definition of friends try to be civil but end up yelling?

"Lily, know what? I don't care actually. All the time I'm trying to be nice to you, but you find everything wrong with me! It's like you won't even try! Honestly I don't know why I even liked you! You're absolutely horrible!" I stormed out of the compartment, waiting for my friends who glanced apologetically at Lily. I stomped down the hall, a twinge of guilt creeping into my heart.

Sorry that took me a while to write, been busy. So what do you think?

Does Lily have an itty bitty crush on James?

Will they stay friends?

I just want to say thanks to all the people who read this silly weird story, I never thought that there would be 50 reads on it, let alone 125. BTW any of the images I put on this are NOT mine. I love art but I'm not good at that kinda stuff. Basically I just scroll through Google like aww I love these and then I'm like OMG I have to use this. Yeah.

Hope you enjoyed!
-Fallen Light

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