Chapter 14 - Jealousy?

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I grinned at Marlene, who was being given a piggy back from Sirius, since she claimed she was too tired to walk. After Mary's clever stunt last week Marlene and Sirius had made up. It seemed like I hadn't removed the spell, as they wouldn't leave each other alone.

I turned back to James, who was talking animatedly about quidditch. "So like I was saying, a feint is when you trick someone into thinking you're going to do one thing, but you really do another. A Wronskei Feint is when a seeker pretends he's seen the snitch below and pulls into a steep dive. the other seeker will follow, trying to beat them there. At the last moment the first seeker pulls up and speeds off. If the other seeker doesn't pull up as well, they hurtle into the ground. They're really dangerous and hard to pull off."

"So it's like tricking someone to eat a face full of dirt?"

"Precisely." He smiled, looking at me a bit oddly. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it when a burst of giggles sounded from behind us. Juniper covered her mouth, while Remus chuckled next to her.

Are they...nah. Juniper may think he's attractive, but over the summer she mentioned this guy to me. Something about him being absolutely perfect. And not that Remus isn't a great guy, but Juniper knows about his furry little problem, and not that she's against werewolves but she wants a normal guy. Nothing super special or different.

I heard a voice calling my name and I swiveled my head to look at the owner of the voice. It was David, a Ravenclaw seventh year. He grinned at me. "I just wanted to tell you that you absolutely gorgeous, I mean stunning. Really." I blushed, thanking him.

We chatted for a moment before I turned back to James, curious about what he had to say. He had moved in front of the group and was now talking to a seventh year Gryffindor. He must have said something funny because she laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She reached out to touch his arm, when he leaned forward and kissed her. I couldn't help but glare, trying not to feel hurt.

Why does that bother me so much? I've seen him snog dozens of girls!

James' POV

I pulled away from this girl. I knew Lily would say no, and I hated Mary for daring me to ask her out. I had been rejected too many times by Lily. I just want to have her be a part of my life. And not to mention the fact that this guy was complimenting her. He can't do that!

I was just trying to make Lily jealous, and Grace had been coming onto me so strongly, it seemed perfect. I had spotted her, so I left Lily with David and went to talk to her when I kissed her.

Suddenly, Grace grabbed me and pushed me against a wall, full blown making out with me. I panicked, I didn't know this would happen. I mean don't get me wrong, she was an amazing kisser, but it didn't feel right. She wasn't Lily.

I couldn't break her heart, right after I had led her on. I wasn't Sirius. So I kissed her some, then pulled away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red hair. The red hair bobbed away at top speed.

Grace leaned forward again, but I just couldn't do it. I tore myself away from her, then sprinted after Lily.

Lily's POV

I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. I sprinted away from my friends, but all I could see was Grace and James.

I shut myself in an empty classroom. I sat down in a corner, bring my knees to my chest and pressing my face against them. The tears came, leaving wet patches on my skirt.

I heard the door creak open and I heard the last voice I wanted to hear. "Lily?"

"Go away, Potter." I hissed, lifting my head.


"Go away! Get out!" I screamed at him. He looked shocked, but stood his ground. "Lily, what's wrong?" He asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong with you?! How could you go and snog her! Why did you do that!? And in front of me! Why do you have to be such an idiot?! Why do you kiss other girls and not me?!" I yelled, stepping forward and jabbing him on his chest.

"What?! What did I do?! Maybe I only kissed her to make you jealous, but honestly Lily, you shouldn't care!"

I glared. "Why shouldn't I- you're right. I shouldn't. I shouldn't care." My shoulders slumped, and I leaned against a wall.

He followed, stopping to face me, a foot away. "But I want you to. I want you to care." He said, inching slightly closer.

"You do?"

"I do, Lily. I really do." He said. He placed his hands on the wall by my head, and hung his own head, as if he was ashamed. My eyes locked with his, and we both stood there, not moving. Not breathing.

Then he pressed his lips to mine, in a manner much unlike how he did with other girls, with Grace. His kiss was gentle and sweet. After a few seconds, but what felt like eternity, he pulled back, his eyes burning into mine. "Lily Evans, will you go on a date with me?" I sucked in a breath, then ducked underneath his arm.

At the door, I turned back and looked at him. "Maybe."

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