Chapter 12 - Truth Or Dare with The Marauders

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Sorry that this has taken so long to upload, I didn't feel like splitting it into two parts so I kept as one. It's really long by the way...
Lily's POV
Dress to Impress
Code DTI

Our mission:
Make Marlene look amazing so Sirius regrets dumping her.

Side goals:
-Make Lily look amazing
-Make Mary look amazing
-Make Juniper look amazing
-Make Alice look amazing

As we walked into the Great Hall, I grinned. I'm back. One last year. I'm gonna make it count. I glanced at Alice. "Well. For only just getting here, we sure are doing more." She nodded, a smile growing on her lips. "So, how's Frank been liking his new job?" I question. Her boyfriend, Frank Longbottom, graduated last year. he works as an Auror now. "Oh he just loves it, and he's good too!" She continues to talk about him for a while but I tune out. "Hang on Al, I've got to do something."

I speed up, grabbing Potter's sleeve. "We're going to make this more interesting. Midnight, dressed in you best dress robes or else." I tell him.
He turns around, a small smile playing on his lips. "And what would the point of this be, Evans?" "Oh you know, just reasons." I say airily. "Will I find out what these reasons are?" He questions.

I laugh. "Eventually Potter, eventually."

"I'm in." He shakes my hand, grinning.

I return to my friends who have saved me a seat at the Gryffindor table. "What was that about, Lils?" Mary asks me. All of the girls turn to stare at me. I kinda panic a bit. I hate it when any group of people stare at me for good or bad reasons. "I was just telling them to dress nice. I thought we could wear like cocktail party dresses. It was a silly idea, I mean I can-" I ramble. Marlene grins, interrupting me. "You sneaky girl Lily Evans. Now it gives us a chance to look twice as good..."

I smile. At least they know what I was thinking. "And Alice, maybe we could invite Frank. Isn't he off today for some reason?"Juniper says looking at her. "Yeah he is. This is gonna be awesome!"

We chat a bit more about our grand plan, falling silent when the Sorting begins. A line of scared looking first years files in, looking around the Great Hall in amazement. McGonnagal began calling the names after the sorting hat sang its song. It gets more depressing every year.....

After all the new students were at their tables Dumbledore made his usual announcements about staying away from the Forest and other stuff.

Me and the girls ate as quickly as we could, hoping we would have enough time to fix up our dresses and get ready. We only had floor length dresses so we would need to use magic to make them shorter.

I was just finishing up a cauldron cake when McGonnagal approached me with Potter following her. "I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but as Head Boy and Girl, you will have your own dormitory to share. The entrance is located on the fourth floor behind a statue of armor, the one with his arms holding two swords. He will ask for a password, which is set by you. Please pick one you both can remember." She said, seeming slightly amused by the look on my face.

Lemme just tell you it wasn't a pretty look. Potter may not be as jerky as I thought he was, but he's still an annoying prat half the time. Last year his idea of fun was charming everything that said Slytherin to say idiots, turning all of Gryffindors hair red and gold, and making Ravenclaws know nothing for an entire day.

And that was just the first month of school.

I sigh. "Come on Potter. We've gotta pick a password so me and the girls can get ready." He nods, a distracted look in his eyes. We make our way to the fourth floor.

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