Chapter 18 - You Can't Be Sirius

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*ducks iPhone*

Okay, I know I've been horrible about updating, but that was uncalled for! An iPhone?

Anyways, enjoy!(these next few chapters are going to be fillers, btw)
Lily's POV
I grinned, slinging an arm around Marlene's shoulder. "So how have things been going with Sirius?"

Her eyes glazed over and a small smile worked its way onto her lips. "Better. Great, actually. Perfect....even." She shook her head, her blonde ringlets flying everywhere. She turned to look at me, smirking. "The real question is, how have things been going with James?"

I could feel my face heating up, and I couldn't help but giggle awkwardly. "Nice, I guess. We go on walks a lot, around the lake."

I plonked down at the Gryffindor table, beginning to chat with Juniper and Alice. Mary was talking to a Hufflepuff. Apparently, he's tutoring her in DADA. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them. Mary always gets above ninety percent. It's her best class.

"Hey Ali, can I borrow your copy of the prophet?" I said, scooping some scrambled eggs onto my plate.

She nodded, sliding the newspaper towards me. I picked it up, sighing at the front page article.

Death Eaters Strike Again

My eyes welled as I read about an attack on a half blood family. The parents were killed, leaving a six year old girl orphaned.

She's just like me. Her parents, ripped away from her.

I blinked a couple times, ignoring the pointed looks I got from my friends.

The Great Hall grew quiet as Dumbledore stood up. "It has come to my attention, that in times as challenging as these, Hogwarts is in need of a cheering up. A Halloween Dance seems like the perfect idea, so pull out your dress robes!"

A buzz of whispers erupted, boys talking about which girl the hope to dance with and girls giggling about dresses.

Sirius smirked, nudging James. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them. I promptly turned to Marlene. "Will you do my hair for the dance? Pretty please with cherry on top?"

Marlene scoffed, rolling her own eyes. "Like I wouldn't help my best friends get ready for a dance."

I grinned, the excitement settling in. Glancing at the watch on my wrist I gasped. "Guys! Potions!"

Alice and Juniper Jumped up while Marlene and Mary snatched a couple grilled cheese wedges. James groaned, standing up slowly. The rest of the Marauders got up and followed us down the hall.

When we got into Potions, Slughorn paired up me and Sirius. I couldn't help but glare at the Ravenclaw girl James got.

"Evans, you might want to stop giver her a death stare, you might burn a hole in the back of her head."

"Very funny, Black."

Sirius grinned. "Why thank you, Lilyflower! That means so much to me!" He cried dramatically, wiping away fake tears.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I walked away to get our ingredients. I placed them down, flipping to the correct page. "So we will be making a Draught of Living Death. I guess we're reviewing from last year." I said, turning to him. I gasped, snatching what he had in his hands.

"Do you want to kill us all?!" I said shoving the book at him so he could see his mistake.

He laughed, nodding. "I guess that would have been bad. So, Lily, how was your date with James?" He grinned nudging me.

"It was nice actually...uh, hand me ten of those." I said pointing to the sophorus beans.

Sirius passed me five of them, cutting open the others. "He really cares about you. I'm being serious Lily." He said at the look of shock on my face.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't be serious. It's just not you!" Sirius raised an eyebrow at me.

"I've been Sirius my whole life." I smacked his arm, turning back to the book.

We finished our potion just as Slughorn made his way around, dropping leaves in them. We got full marks, which was really awesome.

Snape's potion was so good that he was awarded a vial of Felix Felicis. I'll admit that I was jealous, but at least I didn't do as bad as this one girl, her potion blew up in her face. It tended to happen a lot to her.

"You know Black, you're not half bad. And you care about Marlene, so I dub thee my friend."

"Prongsie never told me you belonged in Mungo's..." Sirius teased me.

I rolled my eyes, waving to him as I made my way to my next class. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I had three essays due next week, but they all sat in a neat pile on my bedside table, ready to turn in.

The girls walked in, talking about the dance. "Can't we just wear what we wore for truth or dare?" Mary complained.

"Nope," I said jumping into the conversation. "those aren't Halloween costumes." Mary sighed, flopping onto her bed.

"Honestly, I don't understand why you don't like shopping!" Alice exclaimed, digging through her closet. Marlene nodded thoughtfully while Juniper tried different hairstyles.

I flipped onto my stomach, crossing my heels in the air and resting my chin on my hands. "I think we're forgetting something." I grinned at them.

"What could that be?" Alice asked, playing along.

"Dates!" I cried dramatically.

Juniper snickered, taking a seat on her bed. "Fruit!" Marlene giggled, rolling her eyes. They all mimicked my position, their eyes excited.

"Lilikins! Who do you want to go with?" Mary cried.

I blushed, staring down at my hands. "Well, I know it's silly but er, well. James..."

"I knew it!"

"We all knew it..."

I laughed at them, sliding into my blankets. "Night girls!"

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