Chapter 3 - Alone

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Hope you are enjoying! I've been going back and editing(future me) so basically there are some changes that make this story better!
Anyways comment any suggestions you have for the story!

Two updates in one day! Aren't you so proud of me? :p
Lily's POV

I walked into the Great Hall alone and I sat down, alone. I kept glancing at the group if girls at the other end if the Gryffindor table. They didn't even care that I was gone. Amber sat telling stories, laughing loudly. She's a new student, according to Potter. Maybe she hasn't been sorted. Maybe she won't be in Gryffindor.

"Professor? We have a new student and I believe that she has not been sorted." I called out to Dumbledore, praying she won't be stuck in the same dorm as me. Everyone turned to scan the tables, trying to find her. I could see Potter raising one eyebrow and turning to look at me. Quickly, all eyes settled on Amber.

"Yes, Miss Evans. We have a new transfer from Beauxbatons, Miss Amber Rose has chosen to be sorted at the end of the sixth year term, which is in two months time. She would like to see if she enjoys Hogwarts or not. She will be sleeping in the Gryffindor Tower, and follow the basic Gryffindor schedule. Five points to Gryffindor for good observation and concern for a fellow student. " Dumbledore answered.

"Welcome back students! I trust that you had a nice break and will work hard in these next few months to pass exams. Thank you, now may the feast begin." I grinned, Hogwarts feasts weren't that rare, but I enjoyed them greatly.

I filled my plate with mashed potatoes, roast, some veggies and bread. I poured pumpkin juice into my goblet, smiling at the familiar taste. Conversations begun all around me. Then it hit me. Not only was I alone in the sense that I had no friends, but nobody was talking to me. I was really alone. I finished as quick as I could, having a bit of pudding for dessert. I charged up the stairs, narrowly missing the trick step. I quickly flung myself onto my bed, sealing the curtains with magic and casting a silencing charm on myself. I could feel tears dripping out of my eyes. I peeked out the curtains of my four poster bed when I heard voices.

"Her hair is so ugly! The red is downright hideous. And those eyes! What kind of green is that?!" Amber complained, about *gasp* me...

"I know! And she was always so mean to me!" Mary joined in. "Looks like she's in bed already, poor thing probably cried herself to sleep!" They all laughed. Mary would never say that, and Juniper, Marlene and Alice are so sweet... This has been the weirdest year...before the break everything was fine. Except for Sev.

I whispered a spell, summoning a sleeping potion from my trunk. I quickly drank it and fell into a calm rest. I couldn't just listen to them.

I woke up early, dressing as quietly as I could. I turned my head and spotted Marlene watching me. I started back at her, only breaking eye contact when about to cry.

She whispered three words to me, but I didn't hear them.

"I'm sorry, Lily. "

So, yeah. Kinda short... Not the best, but whatever

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