Chapter 4- The Last Two Months

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I'm really bored, so here's another chapter! I wrote this chapter while listening to This really sad song, as well as just sad music in general for no reason at it might be depressing...

There isn't much jily stuff just yet, but it's coming. Patience young padawan.
Lily's POV

As exams drew nearer, I threw myself into my studies. I hardly talked to Remus except for patrols and I could see it hurt him. I avoided Potter altogether, and hid from Amber, Mary, Alice, Marlene, and Juniper.

Every night was spent with an hour of tears, a sleep potion after listening what Mary and Amber had to say became unbearable.

I kept to myself, speaking only when necessary. I was shuffling down a hallway when I heard something. I stopped again when I heard someone call my name.

Alice stood a few feet away, holding my cauldron.

"You left this."

"What's it to you Prewett? You obviously don't care about me!" I hiss, every word crushing my heart.

Alice stared back at me, guilt filling her expression. She gasped, dropping the cauldron with a loud crash. Without a second glance she ran down the hall. I stood there, ignoring the strange looks. I only moved when everyone was gone.

Alice's POV
I sprinted away, realizing what I had done. I had lost my best friend, no I threw her away for what I thought was someone better. I thought she wouldn't mind. Amber seemed so.... amazing and Lily knows I like to make new friends. She was always so calm.

No one will be as amazing as the girl who helped with with the heartbreaks, knew just what to say, and always made an extra copy of notes in potions because she knew I wasn't good at it. She never did a single thing to me.

I slump against a wall, sobs racking my body. Slowly I stood, making my way into the common room. Why am I such an idiot?! Frank was pacing in front of the fire.

"Alice, Merlin's beard! What happened?" He exclaims.

"I don't have a best friend, you're graduating soon." I whisper. "I'll have no one."

"Alice," says quietly, wrapping his arms around me."Whenever you need to talk to me, I'll be here. As much as I would love to skip my exam to spend time with you, I need to go. Why don't we talk by the lake later, okay?"

I nod, smiling as he kisses me gently. I watch Frank leave, sighing once he's gone. I make my way up to the dorm, relief washing over me when Amber and Mary aren't in sight. How could they... How could I hurt Lily?

Juniper and Marlene are sitting on their beds, talking in hushed tones.

"We've made a terrible mistake."

"I know."

Lily's POV
It's been two days since my incident with Alice. I was walking out of my last exam when I felt three pairs of eyes of the back of my head. I knew who they were. I quickly slipped into the crowd, making my way to the Gryffindor Tower. I didn't want to deal with them. Exhaustion finally set in, and sleep soon took me.

Yawning, I blinked open my eyes. Morning. My stomach rumbled, screaming at me to go eat breakfast. I threw on a pair of loose jeans and a t-shirt. After brushing my teeth and putting on a bit of makeup I left for the Great Hall.

Relief washed over me when I made it down to the Great Hall without seeing Mary or Amber. As much as it seems crazy, I miss Mary too. She wasn't very loud, quite shy actually. But she always knew what to say.

I sat down at the end of the table, picking at my food. Soon enough, the post came. A dark brown owl that I didn't recognize dropped a letter in front of me. I was about to open this one when I spotted my pitch black owl. dropped another envelope in my lap. I fed Shadow a treat and examined the second letter. The pink scrawling writhing on the front told me it was from Petunia. Strange.... I opened the letter from Tuney first.

It's all your fault freak!
I frowned, opening the letter from the brown owl. I scanned the letter, a sinking feeling filling my heart.

Miss Evans,

I regret to inform you that there has been a Death Eater attack on your street. Your parents, Stella Evans and John Evans have been murdered by the killing curse. Your sister Petunia has survived due to her staying at her fiancé's house. I am very sorry for your loss.

My condolences,
The Minister of Magic

I couldn't take it, I ran out of the Great Hall dropping the letters. They're gone! Gone...I literally don't have anyone. I find myself with tears streaming down my face on the highest point of the Astronomy tower. My eyes roam the grounds.

I could do it. No one would miss me. Not my friends, not my parents. I'm just a mu-no James told me never to call myself that. James would miss me.

Oddly this thought pulls me out if my trance. I shake my head, stepping away from the railing. I slump against the wall. Three pairs of footsteps pound closer.

"Lily, I'm an're my best friend and I miss you. You've always been there, and we left you when you needed us most. We talked to Dumbledore, we know. And I really hate myself because I know that you won't forgive me, but I just thought you should know that I miss you and I'm so sorry"Alice rambles, wrapping her arms around me.

Juniper speaks up. "Oh Lils, what idiots we are. You saw the best in me, helped me when my brother died. I think it's time that I repay that favor." I can hear the pain in her voice.

"Lily, I-I....."Marlene begins. That's when we all begin sobbing, collapsed in a heap.

"I missed you guys."I hiccup. They all nod. After a while they let me be, giving me some time to grieve. Another set if footsteps approached.
Awwww! I hated them not being friends. So what do you guys think? Will Mary ever come around? And who's coming????

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