Chapter 2 - The Wrorst Train Ride Ever!

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Hey there! Hope you are liking the story so far! I am making up a few characters
1. Juniper Felicis
2. Amber Rose
Lily's POV

"Potter!" I spat venomously. I shoved past him, making sure that I smacked him with my trunk. Something about makes me infuriated!

"You know maybe I was trying to put the past behind us Lily! Maybe I wanted to just be FRIENDS!" Potter yelled after me. That doesn't even sound like him. And after what happened last year, I despise him even more than I thought humanly possible. After all he was the reason I lost my best friend. But he.. Oh shut it brain!

"Oh suure! That's totally something an arrogant pig like you would do!" I screamed back. I glared at him, not noticing how his eyes shone and his fists were clenched.

Walking away I couldn't help but try as hard as I could to forget the tug in my stomach drawing me back to him. I pushed it away. I'm Lily Evans, strong and collected. At least for the moment...

I stepped aboard the train, heading down to the usual compartment that me, Marlene, Mary, Alice, and Juniper sat in. I grinned, sliding the compartment door open. A wave of laughter hit me in the face.

"And he was like 'OMG your sooo beautiful!" Giggled a new girl with bleach blonde hair and fake nails. She completely clashed with well.. Me.

"Hey um... I'm going to real quick put my stuff up then could you maybe scoot over a bit there, uh don't know your name." I stumbled awkwardly. My friends never mentioned her before. And I don't recognize her....

The girl promptly placed her feet up on the seat, filling up any space I could sit in. "Amber Rose." She said looking me over. Marlene made a move to slide over and put her bag down but Amber glared at her. Everyone expect Amber who was too busy checking her nails looked around awkwardly. Why weren't my friends helping? Or doing something...?

Quickly I blinked away burning tears, then cleared my throat. "Well uh I guess I'll be finding a spot somewhere else." I picked my trunk back up and searched the train for a spot. Finally, I came to the back of the train. There was room for me and my stuff there but this was almost as bad, if not worse than sitting in the floor of some Slytherin compartment.

" Potter, Black, Peter." I tried to say calmly. "Hey Remus!" I smiled at Remus Lupin the only good Marauder in existence. Peter is nice enough but I just don't trust him. "Everywhere else is full."

"Why aren't you with your friends?" Potter smirked, any trace of kindness that he had shown this morning gone.

"As I said, everywhere else is full."

"Oh, oh. I get it. Ditch your friends for a chance to hang out with me. It's alright Evans, whatever floats your boat."

I sighed, clenching my jaw. I began to sit down next to Remus when James said that that seat was "full". He patted the space next to him, grinning cheekily. I huffed, sitting down.

"Hey Evans, I have a question." Potter whispered in my ear. I turned my head glaring at him.

"Will you go out with me? If I stop hexing Snivelly for a month?"

"Like I care about that git." I cannot wait till I get out of here and can go to the prefect meeting in an hour.

The next hour consisted of Potter dying my hair bright green, Black being downright annoying, Peter staring at me creepily and apologetic looks from Remus. And I'm not even going to mention that Potter asked me out 20 times! I counted!

In a way I'm incredibly thankful for a distraction from my, well I'm not really sure what to call Marlene, Mary, Alice, and Juniper. Do they even want to be my friends?

"Evans! Hey! You listening?" Potter shouted not realizing I was right next to him and had properly functioning ears.

I sighed again. Here we go again. "What?" I said, trying to have a harsh tone but failing miserably as my voice cracks and tears finally spill out my eyes. I'm just so done today.

"Guys, can you give us a moment?" Potter asks them quietly. I keep my head down as the rest of the Marauders shuffle out.

Potter crouches down in front of me and gently grabs my hands. I'm too tired to fight him.

"What happened Lily?" He whispers softly, wiping the tears of my cheeks,

"I don't have any friends left, they all turned on me. I have nobody. I don't think I can lose anyone else. I lost too many people. Severus, Petunia, and them. And I'm a worthless mudblood." I choke out.

"Hey, hey. Don't call yourself that. You're far from worthless, Lily. And if all those people are that stupid to leave you then it's their loss not yours. You're incredibly smart, beautiful and are the kindest person I've ever met."

I nod, and watch as he stands up. He smiles at me, not a Potter grin but something real. I feel myself smile a bit too, mumbling a thank you.

As Black, Peter, and Remus all file in again, not mentioning the previous events. I check my watch. "Time for the meeting Rem. Let's go." Remus has been my friend since the first day in our first year. He's like a big brother to me. I'm so glad to have him. I guess I took our friendship for granted since I had my other friends but...

Walking out if the compartment I realize that I Lily Evans needed comfort from James Potter. I stop walking and Remus runs into me.


"This is the worst train ride ever"

He just chuckles softly.

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