Chapter 5 - Why Does It Have To End That Way

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I froze, staring at the door. Potter entered, stoping when he saw me.

"What are you doing up here at this time of day, Evans?" After the train thing he went back to the arrogant pig, hexing random people and being a brat lifestyle. He still asked me out regularly, and it was even more annoying.

"Uh, ummmm."

"Wait....Why are you crying?!" He exclaimed.

"None of your business Potter!"

"Jeez Lily! You're acting like your parents died or something."He says, exasperated. Spot on, Potter. Spot on.

I collapse in sobs again, curling into a ball. "Oh god...Lily I'm so sorry, I.. I didn't...." He mumbles, pulling me into a hug. He sits there, holding me and whispering things to me, telling me how it would be okay, that if he could have stopped it he would have. I cry into his chest until I can't cry anymore. I let out a shaky sigh, sniffling. James kisses the top of my head, then stands and pulls me to my feet. He straightens my robes and wipes my eyes. I look up into his eyes, speechless. Why does he have to be so... nice sometimes?

"Just go back to your dorm, have a nap. I'll bring you a snack in case you get hungry." James says softly.

"Th-thank you." I whisper. He smiles at me, and begins to walk away. Halfway out the door he glances over his shoulder. "Go out with me, Evans?"

I huff, glaring at him. Storming out I purposefully bump into him. I stomp into my dorm, insulting him with every breath. Why does he have to ruin every nice thing he does?!

"Arrogant pig, big ego, toe rag, jerk, insensitive, immature, annoying, prick...."

I slip under my covers, drifting off quickly with thoughts about annoying boys and my parents.

I wake up in the middle of the night, absolutely starving as I missed lunch and dinner cause...yeah. I sigh, grabbing my wand and hoping that there might be something in my trunk.

"Lumos." I hiss. I gasp. Sitting on my nightstand is some toasted break with butter and strawberry jam. My favorite.

I smile, devouring my snack. I go back to bed after chatting with Juniper who had returned from Merlin knows where.

I yawn, stretching. Alice grins at me. "Better get packing Lils. The train leaves after breakfast and the others are already done."

I am just finishing up when Amber struts in with Mary in tow. My insides bubble up in anger as they look at me in disgust. "Come on Alicia, I'm going to get sorted. You can sit by Maryflower." she demands in a nasally voice. I snort. Alicia? Maryflower? She glares at me.

I swear she and Charlie Parkinson, wannabe Death Eater and complete nuisance, would be perfect together. I think it's their sole purpose to ruin people's lives and complain. Seriously they should hook up have whiney kids that annoy them to death.

"Come on Lils. Let's go see where pugface gets put." Alice says to me. I laugh. She does look like a pug.

"Do you even want me to be in Gryffindor?" Amber gasps.

"No I really don't, because then I would have to be around you more and I'd rather die than listen to you whine and make fun of my friends."

Mary and Amber stomp out, and before the door even closes they begin complaining about us.

"We should at least go eat."


We make it in just as the sorting hat screams "Slytherin!" Everyone in Gryffindor starts cheering, led by me and Alice. Mary glares at us, raising get wand. She shoots a dark spell at me and it barley misses my ear. What in Merlin's Beard is going on?!

"Protego!" I shout as I dodge more curses from both her and Amber. Dumbledore puts a shield around us. Mary suddenly drops to the floor, knocked out cold. I gasp.

"Sir, is she okay?" I say worriedly.

"It appears that Miss MacDonald had been under the influence of the Imperius Curse. 200 points from Slytherin for the use of such dark spells. And Miss Rose, let this be a warning. I would hate to have to expel you." Dumbledore states.

"But sir! Unforgivables?!!!!" Alice shouts flapping around. Junipers jaw had found a comfy spot on the floor and Marlene has chosen to scream profanities at Amber.

"I understand. But we have no proof on who castes the spell."

"Check her bloody wand!"

Dumbledore makes an 'oh' noise. "Silly me. It slipped my mind there for a moment."

"Must have been the wrackspurts!" Shouts a random Ravenclaw.

In all of the commotion, Amber was trying to sneak away. "Stop right there, Miss Rose." Filch, a squib who works here, grabs her. Dumbledore summons her wand. He casts a spell, and sets his face in grim determination. "Tut, tut, tut. Miss Rose, who has taught you how to perform such a spell?"

"My lord, he captured a girl. Amber. He makes me a polyjuice potion. I was supposed to kill Evans and Longbottom. I was supposed to change what my lord fears." Amber's skin bubbled. All whispers stopped. A Death Eater, what we thought were only rumors, stood before us.

"Why haven't you done so?"

"I have tried many times. The boy lives. He is strong. The girl, she should've become depressed. I didn't need to worry about her. Her friends, her parents would be the death of her."

I could feel my eyes burning, my fists clenched. My skin crawled. "You killed them?!"

The Death Eater cackled. "No, my lord did. He took them. He smiled when he did it."

"Same thing." I couldn't control myself. I punched the Death Eater in the face. He slumped to the ground.

In a matter of moments the Ministry was here, carting the Death Eater off to prison.

Dumbledore raised his hand, asking for silence. "I know this has been confusing. I know that you are scared. Times are darker than I feared, for students, innocent children, have been hurt. Keep your friends close. They are needed more than ever now."

I ran over to Mary who was stirring. I flung my arms around her. "Mary! Oh Merlin, I thought it was you!"

She grinned at me. "You missed me! LILY MISSED ME!" She teases. I laugh pulling her to her feet. I turn to head back, when the smile slips of my face.

Their black eyes bore into me.Gulping, I turned away. Great, my year can be ruined more. I'll never forget those nine words that hurt so much.

I don't need help from filthy mudbloods like her!

I tired to get away, but Severus Snape had something to say.

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