Chapter 20 - Patronuses

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Lily's POV
I skipped happily to DADA, dragging James with me. He was grumbling about how it was too early, his tie hanging loosely from his neck, white button down crumpled and hair splayed in every direction. Yet he still looked handsome ...

"Evans, you're gonna rip my arm off. And I need to go to Transfiguration...¨

"Don't care, I'll still think your attractive."

James scoffed. "So the only consolation for my armless self is that I'm still hot? Seriously though I need to get to my first class."

I just nodded, pulling on him slightly less. I glanced back, a small smile tugging at my lips. He looked like a mess-a very attractive mess- but a mess nonetheless.

Anyways, he had fallen asleep in charms, and was under the impression that it was 8:00 AM. Everyone was laughing, excluding Professor Flitwick who was taking our preparation for our N.E.W.T.s very seriously. Then again I'm sitting here following a study guide months and months before them...

The reason I was so excited for DADA was the fact that we are going to be conjuring Patronuses. I mean, who doesn't want to know their spirit animal? James just had to be an idiot and stay up until three in the morning playing Exploding Snap with Sirius. I walked to stand in the front of the classroom, as the desks had been pushed against the walls. Juniper joined me, her blonde curls bouncing as she skipped into the room.

I grinned at her, and opened my mouth to say hi but snapped it shut when our Professor walked in. Proffesor Torinston  was new this year because our professor last year was scared off by an encounter with a banshee.

I quite liked the new Professor. He was kind, and would always help out a student. Kinda reminded me of like an old Remus.

Anyways, I listened to Proffesor Torinston explain how we needed to think about our happiest moment. I closed my eyes, flicking through my memories. One seemed to stand out, so I concentrated on it. I focused the smell of Christmas cookies baking, and pictured me, mum and dad all watching the tele.

I'll admit it, I'm scared for this Christmas. Without them. I shook my head, clearing away the bad thoughts. "Expecto Patronum."

"Close, but not strong enough. It needs to be something more than just a memory. And Lils, you let me think it was morning!¨

I opened my eyes, rolling them at James. ¨It was funny. Now, if you're so good at this, go on.¨ He rolled up his sleeves, smirking. He swished his wand through the air, speaking the incantation confidently.  

I felt eyes widen as a, well majestic, stag formed out of the smoke. James flicked his eyebrows up at me. ¨Ok, that was awesome¨

¨I know.¨

¨Can it, Potter.¨ James laughed.

I closed my eyes once again, thinking of lunch earlier this week. It was all of us, the marauders and my friends, and we were all just goofing around, war forgotten. I was sitting next to James, my head on his shoulder. He had his arm wrapped around me and I felt... inexplicably safe, at peace. I let the memory fill me up. I whispered the spell. 

I felt James wrap his arms around me from behind. ¨Look, Lily, You did it.¨ I opened my eyes, grinning. A beautiful doe was prancing around the room. I felt James raise his wand and watched as he cast the spell once more. 

I leaned into him, smiling at the stag and the doe. 

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