Chapter 17 - What?!

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Hi readers! I just wanted to tell you, once again, that I love you guys so much! All of the nice comments, votes and reads really motivate me to give you guys more. I am so lucky to have each and everyone of you reading and enjoying this story.

Hope you like this chapter! I know it is short, but I have a cold so I am really out of it and keep falling asleep. I also wrote it on my computer so some of the formatting may be funky for mobile devices....


Lily's POV

Us girls and the Marauders, minus Remus and Juniper(they were at the library) were wandering down the hallways. James and Sirius were joking around while Mary and Alice were giggling up ahead. I turned to Marlene. ¨Wanna go get Ju and Remus? They have to be done with that essay by now.¨

Marlene nodded and we turned down a corridor. ¨I can't believe she needs help with an essay, she is so good at Potions!¨

We had now reached the library when Marlene gave me an evil grin. ¨Let's scare them! We can both jump out and yell 'BOO'!¨ I couldn't help but laugh, they were both so jumpy!

We headed to our usual table and hid behind the bookshelves. Marlene counted down from three with her fingers and we both leaped out. I was halfway through screaming 'BOO' when Marlene shrieked, pointing at them. ¨PDA!¨

Juniper and Remus jumped apart, both of their faces going red. ¨Hi...¨

I blinked. ¨Why didn't you tell us?! You two are so cute together!¨ Juniper turned on Remus. ¨Why didn't we? I wanted too...¨

Remus sighed, taking Juniper's hand. ¨Because I wanted to enjoy my time with you, without worries before...Listen Juniper, there is something I need to tell you. I understand if you want to break up. The reason that I didn't want to tell people about us is because I felt like if we became serious you should know that I am....that I'm... a werewolf.¨ He hung his head. ¨I was afraid you would leave me, think that I am a monster.¨

Juniper gasped, pressing her lips to Remus'. ¨Of course not! I don't care that some idiot bit you, I don't care one bit. You're the best guy I have ever met and when you told me you liked me I couldn't believe it. I was so happy.¨

Remus smiled, but he looked at her seriously. Marlene and I exchanged a glance, smiling at them. ¨JUMUS!¨ we screamed at the same time. Remus and Juniper both laughed, but Remus turned back, still looking serious.

¨I am still dangerous, and any kids that I may have would be at risk of being like me. I-¨ Juniper interrupted him, matching his serious look. ¨Remus, I really don't care. I care about you, and us. I care about our future, I care about our relationship, but your a package deal. And whatever else comes with you, I'm fine with.¨

Remus grinned, pulling Juniper into a hug. Marlene and I cooed at them, but quickly left when they began snogging. Our friends eating each other's faces is not something fun to watch. Marlene glanced at me as we made our way to the Great Hall for dinner.

¨What in Merlin's pants happened back there?¨she said, laughing.

I shrugged my shoulders, giggling. ¨I have no clue, but I support Jumus fully. They're like the cutest couple ever.

¨Not as cute as Jily!¨ she sang, her eyes glinting mischievously. I could feel my face heating up, but I just rolled my eyes at her.

This year is going to be awesome.

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