Chapter 22 - Picnics are Cool

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So I'm actually enjoying writing from James' POV, so I think I'll start doing a few more chapters in his perspective. Hope you like them too, let me know if you want to see part of the story from any other characters, and I'll try and add a chapter in for you!

By the way, the art isn't mine and the part of the chapter is not mine. I found it on google and liked it, so I thought I would add it to this story. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE ARTIST. I tried to find out who they were, but sadly I couldn't.



James' POV

I turned to Lily as we slipped through the doors of the castle. I pulled he to my side, listening to our feet crunch through the littering of leaves.

We walked around the grounds, not saying much. But that was okay, because no words could describe how complete, how whole I felt when she was with me.

I know we've only been together for the better part of a month, but I knew I was falling hopelessly in love with Lily Evans.


"Okay, close your eyes. C'mon Lils! No peeking! Got it?" I laughed, stepping in front of her and blocking her view.

She sighed, finally squeezing her eyes shut. I pulled Lily up the steps, making sure she didn't trip. Once we reached the top of the astronomy tower, I double checked that everything was in place.

"Ok. Open!"

I watched as Lily's eyes lit up, and I turned my own to the picnic blanket and basket. "I don't know if the candles are too much. And well, I'm not the best cook, I could have gotten the house elves to help, but I-I guess I.... I hope yo-"

Lily interrupted my rambling, flinging her arms around me. "James, this is amazing."

"Oh ok, good. So yeah." I stuttered. Lily pulled me over, plonking down on the blanket.

I opened the basket passing her a sandwich, pulling one out for myself. I also poured us each a glass of pumpkin juice.

Lily began nibbling on her sandwich, seeming to think it was pretty decent. I took a bite, swallowing before I spoke once more.

"What's your favorite colour?"

"Probably either navy, maroon or gold. You?"

I glanced down at my food, then looked back up at her, zoning in on her eyes. "Green. Definitely green."

Lily furrowed her brow. "What kind of green? Dark green, light green, blue green?"

I could feel my face heating up a bit, but I cleared my throat and answered confidently. "Emerald."

She smiled, finishing off her sandwich. "Ok my turn.... Favorite food?"

"I like all food Lily! Except sea food. Sea food is gross. And slimy..."

Lily laughed then glanced away, looking out at the stars. "My favorite food would be my mum's macaroni bake. She would always make it for me when I was little." She turned back, a few strands of hair falling into her face as she looked down at her hands.

I reached out and brushed them away. "I have cake..." I said in a lame attempt to get her mind off her parents.

I couldn't help but grin as Lily busted out laughing. "You baked me a cake?"

I nodded furiously, stifling back laughter myself. "It's chocolate." I said, pulling the dessert out of the basket. Apparently she didn't mind the messy frosting and sprinkles, because Lily's eyes widened and she reached for a slice eagerly.

" good."

I chuckled, moving the basket and plates off of the blanket once we had both finished. Lily lied down and I copied her, pulling her to my side.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, sighing happily as she snuggled closer. We turned our gazes to the stars, quietly pointing out constellations.

After a period of silence, I turned my head to look at her. "It's still my turn."

"What? Oh, go ahead."

"Why did you always say no?"

Lily sighed. "I never saw you how I see you now. You were always the arrogant prick. The annoying, cocky jerk."

"And how do you see me now?"

Lily blinked, not expecting my question. "Kind, caring, brave, funny, sweet, romantic, smart, and," I watched her face turn red. "Incredibly attractive. To be frank, super sexy."

I felt my lips tug into a smirk. "Ahh, Evans, I always knew you thought I was hot."

"Oh shut up and let me finish. Eventually, around fifth year when you found me after Snape said that stuff, I saw that you really did care. I guess that I began to like you, but I was always so scared of having my heart broken. I know now that being in a relationship is putting yourself out there, and it's okay to get hurt. I want to tell you that... All those things you did for me, the cards," Lily paused, almost going back through her memories.

I chuckled at this remembering how I would always send her cards and notes on Valentines Day. My find flashed back to one in particular.

I passed her the card, grinning as she opened it and read it out loud.

"Dearest Evans,
Roses are red, Lilies are White. If I stop hexing Snivellus, can we song tonight?
Love, James."  Lily sighed, looking up at me.

"So what do think, Evans? Big improvement from last year, eh?"

She rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips curling up a bit. "I would prefer less blackmail, but at least it rhymes."

Lily began to speak again. "The smiles, being there for me, everything. It meant the world to me... Seeing that you cared."

I smiled at Lily, kissing the top of her head. We sat in silence, enjoying each other's company before she spoke once more.

"I can't believe you baked me a cake, James." she giggled softly.

I burst out laughing. Hey, it was a pretty good cake, Lils!"

She grinned rolling over and kissing me. "It was a delicious cake, James."

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